Seizure over the weekend


New Member
Aug 27, 2006
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While I was in Winnemucca NV working in a Bikers Rally when at the end of the last day of this festival I had a severe seizure. This has been bothering me and has been trumatizing to me since this happened. First of all when the ambulence took me to the hospital in Winnemucka (Humbolt county Hospital) I felt the clinicians were unskilled and uncabpable in treating my problem. I was stuck nearly 20 tiimes to obtain IV access- including multiple tries to place one in my neck and sublclavian veins in my chest to no avail. all I have now from all this is severe bruising and swelling of my neck and upper chest, along with both arms. I am contemplating on filing a malpractice suit against the surgeon who was unable to start a viable IV access line and despite her failures her tremendous arrogance prevented her from accepting failure. It turned out to be a traumatic experience- more so than suffering from the severe seizure. I got to the point in the ER when I was yelling for them to stop and wanted to refuse all other treatment, but was just told to "shut up" or we'll tie you down and drug you. I find this all unethical and malpractice and will be contacting an attourney in the morning to verify the validity of my case against the Staff of this hospital.
That is not right! I used to live in Reno, Nevada..that is about 3-4 hours from Winn...whatever how to spell it! LOL! I am sorry you went thru awful experience. :( I hope you got the treatment when you went back home.
Oh ouchies, that is a horrible experience. I do hope you are gonna be fine.
I'm sorry you had such an unpleasant experience. Hope everything's resolved satisfactorily.
Jeez!! its horrible!! :roll: at that hostipal! :(
I am sorry that you had a terrible incident with both the seizure and the hospital’s bad handling of your situation. Do hope you are being treated accordingly and on the road to good health. Also hope you will be successful in acquiring a lawyer to fight on your behalf.
OMG how horrible your experience was at that stupid hospital sighs and i hope you will be ok and i hope you can get the malpratice lawsuit to start.
While I was in Winnemucca NV working in a Bikers Rally when at the end of the last day of this festival I had a severe seizure. This has been bothering me and has been trumatizing to me since this happened. First of all when the ambulence took me to the hospital in Winnemucka (Humbolt county Hospital) I felt the clinicians were unskilled and uncabpable in treating my problem. I was stuck nearly 20 tiimes to obtain IV access- including multiple tries to place one in my neck and sublclavian veins in my chest to no avail. all I have now from all this is severe bruising and swelling of my neck and upper chest, along with both arms. I am contemplating on filing a malpractice suit against the surgeon who was unable to start a viable IV access line and despite her failures her tremendous arrogance prevented her from accepting failure. It turned out to be a traumatic experience- more so than suffering from the severe seizure. I got to the point in the ER when I was yelling for them to stop and wanted to refuse all other treatment, but was just told to "shut up" or we'll tie you down and drug you. I find this all unethical and malpractice and will be contacting an attourney in the morning to verify the validity of my case against the Staff of this hospital.

i had experience seziure in my lifes and i never been against case of hospital or doctors because im start seziures when i was 12 years old but im using medicine everyday include morning and night both.

you would obey Doctor and Nurse for treatment put you on IV and let nurse do their jobs for IV on you ok? when i was young i hates get IV on my arms and get hurt but the nurse tried to hold my arms for IV very important its would against by the hospital i know you dont like get hurt on you but nurse will put you strap and get start IV.

im serious about IV you should obey the nurse and doctors okay?

i know you would get against the hospital that not good idea? i want trust you if who are seziure survivor they can talk trust they not going plot the doctors or nurse kept positives talk not negatives talk ok?
Sara, Doug here knows the difference between professional and unprofessional since he works in a hospital.

I wouldn't be surprised if you do have grounds for a lawsuit. Be sure to take pictures of all the bruises.

Must be frightening to go through a seizure and then that horrid experience at the hospital.

Hang in there and stay well.
I did take extensive photographs of the results of the MD's incompetent damages to my body. I have remained extremely sore in neck and chest area. I went to my physician to discuss the case and he is providing me a validative medial report of the negligence and malpractice that occured. I will then bring all these statments and evidence to my attorney this week. I have also suppoened the medical records from this hospital to I can pick it apart for discrepencies in which I will share with attorney to back up a malpractice/negligence case. We all know this could take years to settle, but I have enough that I doubt this will ever reach a state supreme court and an out of court settlement will likely be offered to me so we'll see what happens with this in the next few months.
Wow, Doug. That really sucks. You shouldn't be going through this inadequate medical team to poke you more than what is needed. You're lucky to come through this when you had a seizure and it could have been worse.

I believe you'll be able to have sufficient cause for your malpractice/negligence lawsuit and I wish you the best. Nobody should have to go through this horrible experience and you shouldn't, too.
Sorry about your horrible experience, but hopefully you will be fine soon. Seizures are not fun thing to deal with. :(
As a former EMT (ambulances) I tell you, Doug had every right to refuse care at any given time during his treatment under the Patient Rights. He was coherent and aware of the situation, they had likely already taken a PA at least 3 times by the time he was stuck 20 times. The medics, nurses, and doctors can have their licenses and certifications suspended if they are disciplined by the State Board of Health. Given his story, he has a very strong case of malpractice against the ambulance service and the hospital, if not that, then it would likely fall under patient abuse since the medic told him to 'shut up'. You don't ever talk to a patient like that, no matter how big the 'oh shit' case is. I am sure once it is filed in the courts, the medic will likely be released from his duties and suspended without pay until the issue is resolved, his returning to his duties will be dependent on the decision the judge hands down

The most Ive been stuck is 9 times and I can assure you that blown veins are PAINFUL! And subjectively, after each blown vein the next stick tends to be even more painful than the previous.

Don't sit there like you are his momma and preach to him like he is 5 and uncapable of taking care of himself, he is a medical professional and it is quite evident in the terminology that he uses.
Wow. Hope everything works out!! Keep us posted. I wish Doug was treated much better. NOT fun being treated by what looks to be inexperienced or arrogant people.