seems that Xbox is the winner at

Originally posted by VamPyroX
I'm not surprised. Microsoft always does it! :thumb:

Actually, Nintendo was the best of the E3 shows last year. But Microsoft got lucky this year because of their line-ups.
Yeah that's true, Nintendo got a better grade than Mircosoft did last year but now Mircosoft is starting to kick ass back! lol
That's what to be expected for Microsoft. They start out low but eventually make it to the top.
Yep because of Halo 2, Brute Force, and a bunch of sports games for Xbox
Originally posted by Banjo
Actually, Nintendo was the best of the E3 shows last year. But Microsoft got lucky this year because of their line-ups.

I don't call that luck. It's Nintendo's fault for their mistakes with N64. They didn't want to go with a disc idea. Now with gamecube, it's a mini disc.

Hopefully Nintendo would realize that it is important to look out for the customer's desires.

Microsoft did...that's how they succeed.
well at least Nintendo GameCube is still popular and in good shape... has a bunch of good techogoly like the wireless controller "wavebird" and mini discs...and the LCD screen...etc.

Most people proably already have DVD players so i don't think there's really a reason for the gamecube to have a DVD player since PS2 was lauched out first and had a DVD player so most ppl have a PS2 so perhas Nintendo don't need to do the same like Sony did lol just my opinon anyway

I believe that Nintendo's next system will still play discs, but hopefully it will play gamecube discs, as well. like PS2 plays the orginal Playstation games

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