Wow I couldn't resist not coming back to see the input and replies from the community here as last time it got really out of hand but this time it's more civil and well mannered! Sorry for my rant feast
I'm a a$$hole alright yeah I can be at times. Anyways here's the replies! I'm sure the
resident a$$ pirate analyst Bottesini is going to like these inputs.
I don't have a deep seated hatred for anything at all except for the ASL Socially Retarded Users, that rant and worry about the decline and disappearance of the deaf culture which in result they get their panties in a wad every time they read of success stories based on someone's CI or HA experiences. As well bash them or bully them and so much drama and bullsh*t. Also probably responsible for the majority of even more social retardation upon the current youth that are being enrolled into Deaf Schools thru-out the nation. By fighting and unwilling to change to SEE for at least the first 8-10 years of their being in school. They'd rather impose and force ASL upon them so they can be culturally accepted for just their Little Deaf Culture.
Which just leads to more social retardation once they get out and figure out they DON'T want to stay in Deaf Culture but go on with their LIVES in the REAL WORLD. Disgusting if you ask me. But each to his/her own.
Yeah sorry I didn't do a grammar check.. It's not available on my phone
I'm lazy alright I admit I couldn't be a$$ed to check spellin etc.. But nonetheless Good comeback!!!
Oh the irony... It's a social retardation issue that occurs when these are brought up into ASL environment without SEE first. Which can be detected in your very post here but you don't see it right? So I cannot be
the most obnoxious moronic person I've ever met like YOU.
Duh it's going to ALWAYS BE HERE I KNOW THAT. NEVER SAID IT WAS GOING TO BE GONE OR REMOVED DID I? Sheesh chill and light up some of that BC Bud.
Your not one of them... Not all of them experience that issue, Some get by and luckily don't have that issue at all but with my experience and deaf culture around here I see way too much of it occurring.
Wow I'm surprised I'm not banned as I was expecting to be! I didn't name anyone...Just hinted a user title. But yeah a user went on and posted the name. Not running just leaving cause I can't take it anymore it's ridiculous and glares all across the board.
So much bullying and ignoramus users and idiots that have nothing to do but sit and collect their disability, bitch, rant, bully others and analyze everyone and even new members... Why so much of that crap? I can successfully participate in an forum at any other site without all that crap occurring.
It's been fun!
Thanks for your inputs!!!!