See this. It s a perfect example!

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Oh boy
I still can't believe this fucking shit.

Cuntmind, You really do need a lots of help for yourself... No one makes you the Queen of deaf world.. No one... you want this world to be 2 ways streets. Then you got to meet half way....

Too bad that I met you long time ago you were so sweet lady, Until the deafnotes came into your life and you have turn into sourmind.... I can't stand it anymore I can always ingore you if I want to I will but this time I'm gonna put my feet down and tell you something.....

Your not a queen!
You can't change anybody's mind
You can't make the president to ban any devices for these people who wants it to seee if it works on child and adults... its their decision...
You think you can stop us from getting CI....
There are sooo many people out in world that are interesting in it..
There are so many people are being supportive for the people who has 1 or 2...
I hang out with both world.. Deaf and hearing.. I don't force them to get one, I don't start discuss it untill they ask me the questions etc...

Oh cuntmind, Time for you to go back into a mental... Oh make sure they lock you up cuz you have gone insane big hell time... get a fucking life out there instead of sitting in front of your fucking stain from your smoking on computers. Oh... I forgot you don't like me...... I don't give a fuck... I have had it.... get a life... no one is making wrong decision.. They make their own decision... so if it was your own child fine that's your decision we do not tell you what to do.....
NUMBER # 177 is my statement that I took it out from that comment -Other hands, I have some friends who have CI that is their choice since they are an adults.. It is to me that it s a big mistake to make. That is there is to it.

It s just my opinion of DEVICES itself that has nothing to do with a person that I hate.. OH please! I m tired of this lame excuses from someone who talks like that. I hate those ppl attacked me for no reason. They think too negative too much while I dont.

And I do agree with you after all what they did it to me on the internet and outside of internet that they gave me audism attitude as well.

Go back to the AUDISM article then you will be able to understand it better.

HIGHLANDER - U do not hate hearing but I hate Audism people so be it. I made a lot of new hearing / latened deaf people on the internet because we reached out for each other as a friendship group. ;)

Okay I get it here so u are having problem with ha and CI but not everyone have same problems as u do. I know u want to protect those children who are going thru right now what u and I went thru before. I know u want to help them and try to teach their parents but remmy they don't want thier deaf children alike us. Too bad they did not know yet, they will ended up alike rest of us. So I let them go and let them learn their mistakes.
Okay I get it here so u are having problem with ha and CI but not everyone have same problems as u do. I know u want to protect those children who are going thru right now what u and I went thru before. I know u want to help them and try to teach their parents but remmy they don't want thier deaf children alike us. Too bad they did not know yet, they will ended up alike rest of us. So I let them go and let them learn their mistakes.

The whole point is that I dont lie about Devices and many things that people need to know the truth so be it. Then it might help them to tune up their attitude and see why we Deaf people hate Audism itself. Thats what people do not want to hear this truth. I dont have a problem for telling the truth however people have a problem with me.. ???? There is nothing I can do about it after all I dont point anyone like that unless I have a very good reason to show the true color. Someone is asking me a question so I gave the discussion.

Oh boy, I am really lost after all someone is breaking the rules in this page and trying to lock my topic again that is other one again. I dont think it s quite fair for me to put up with those craplogy from Audism people with a very negative and cruel attitude. Thanks! ;)

Thats why I feel rejected by both world as well. It s audist attitude!

Thanks a lot! Sighs!
OH by the way, NO one do anything about THE CI nonesense and Cochlear implant myths article. I can see someone carried on their own signature that is very misinformation. Someone who made it look bad for Deaf Community. Also, I have handed out the evidences all along for ten years that shows those two titles is full of it. Check this out who carried that titles. Thanks!

The reason is that there are many truths that someone had to say a lie about us Deafies by Audism people.. What a very sad to see anyone bashing Deaf children of the Deaf Community. Also accused ASL interpreters??? because we do not have many ASL interpreters at that time because of SEE. Thats what my Deaf eyes catch everything to read it carefully before I can say anything..

Deaf will be always deaf without devices..Face the reality, people need to remind by me.

Have a good night! ;)

Oh PLEASE!! Are you resorting to trying to find something, ANYTHING to argue about simply in order to have something to say? This is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read - and that's saying a lot, considering who originally started this thread!


My grandmother used to say "Never try to explain an idiom to an idiot for their heads are m-t"


Since you are a big supporter of Sweetmind, please give us your reaction to this statement of hers:

" cannot tell me that Deaf child can hear on the phone completely. I find this is full of crapola that I read some of their statements as far as I Know it so..."

You have already told us in this forum that your profoundly deaf son can hear on the telephone and even takes messages for you. So are you full of "crapola"? Are you going to let her say you are a liar? Please set Sweetmind and the rest of us straight.
I take great offense to that statement. I will compare my knowledge regarding implantation and all of the issues that are involved with yours anytime....


Wow, what next my non-implanted kid can beat up your implanted kid? You never cease to bring any discussion to a new low.

BTW although you always claim you researched the cochlear implant before deciding not to implant your son, however, unlike me, you never give any of the details. So when, what years, did you conduct this research? What implant center(s) did you visit and please name them? What were the names of the audiologists you spoke with? What were the names of the implant surgeons you spoke with? How many implanted adults did you speak with? How many implanted children did you observe and how many parents of implanted children did you consult with? How many implant orgainzations did you belong to? How many implant conventions and/or seminars did you attend? I know you must have did all of the above because you keep saying that you made an informed and well researched decision. Or maybe you did not and just bought into the Deaf anti-ci propaganda agenda?
Its called culture schock, cloggy. The hearing parent who is put in a situation of not being able to understand information conveyed visually undergoes the same frustration and confusion that a deaf child experiences constantly when placed in an oral only environment. It is actually quite effective in helping these parents to develop empathy for the experience of deafness. For some parents, that is. There are others that are so ethnocentric and such a medicalized view of deafness that they are unable to develop that empathy no matter how many times it is demonstrated to them because they refuse to try to see things through their child's eyes and insist on seeing the child's experience through their eyes.

Well put! It is too bad that not all parents have empathy. Sometimes a hearing person would act impatient with me, especially if I don't understand everything this person said to me. I wonder how would they react if I return the favor by acting impatient with them if they don't understand sign language. My point is that it is much easier for them to learn sign language than my learning to speak. If it is okay for hearing people to look down on deaf people as dumb, just because the deaf people don't speak or talk funny, then I suppose it is okay for deaf people to look down on hearing people who don't know sign language as dumb. It is just beyond my comprehesion that they refuse to/didn't use sign language and went for medical answer to deafness. Sign language fixed the communication problem long time ago so why change the solution? Why did they throw away perfectly good solution for another solution that is not 100% perfect.
Rick, actually Jillo is just kind of naive about how extreme Sweetmind is.
Sweetmind, you have good intentions, but you misunderstand SO much b/c your grasp of sophisticated English isn't that great.
What do articles about late deafened people losing their hearing from enviormental sound damage, have to do with dhh kids using hearing devices or not? The amplification of CI and HA is completly diffrent. They are tuned so that that amplification cannot(generally, although it is possible in the case of recruitment) further damage from sound!
I think you read the word amplification and thought that the two things were the same.
Deaf will be always deaf without devices
Well of course! NOBODY is saying to do oral only. I believe that almost ALL dhh kids can significently benifit from learning how to function both with and without their devices. You're right............... total and complete dependance on a device is just as bad as total and complete dependance on a 'terp. That doesn't mean that kids shouldn't use the devices. Just that they should be equipted with ALL possible tools!
Mod Note:

Once more...thread's closed.

Some things just never cease to amaze with any member posting, there's a fine line of how to approach others...there's no need to resort to the belittling, the bickering, finger-pointing...or even expressing a view/opinion that is the 'only way' and no other way is valid.

Overall, we all, every member here in AD...comes from all walks of life, wouldn't it behoove us all to find some common ground, to at least build a bridge whereas we can put all ideas/opinions together to work for the greater good? Sure, out in the world, it's a tough one, yes, however, here, in AD, it's a community where many have been able to reach out to one another, whether just via 'online' or/also in 'real life'....isn't time, that certain factions, groups and whatnots all come together? Of course, no one's perfect, I'm not perfect either, however, I do strive to maintain integrity and wellness for the sake of the community, no matter how diverse it may be.

Meanwhile...give it some thought, only 'you' can make a difference, it 'starts' with 'you'. (the 'you' simply means: anyone of us, each of us, etc.)

Now...this thread will remain closed.

Peace out!
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