Seat belt survey

Do you wear your seatbelt?

  • All the time, no matter what.

    Votes: 24 68.6%
  • Most of the time, ocasionally forgetting.

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • 50/50. Sometimes do, sometimes don't.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Rarely, but do sometimes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never, unless the driver demands me to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yea think about driving behind a log truck carring a lot of logs. If one of them slip off and goes into your windshield. Can you duck?

I don't think you would be fast enough to grab a pocket knife then snip the belt to duck.

In one of the accidents I had was a roll over. I was riding with a cousin of mine. We flipped over and the belt kept my head from hitting the top. My cousin hit his head and had neck hurting him for a long time. He didn't wear a belt.
Originally posted by prostock19
I am just curious about seat belt usage. I notice that most of my deaf friends don't wear their seatbelt cuz they like to be able to turn around and sign and stuff.

I wear mine almost all the time, but sometimes forget if I am just going down the road.

I always wear seatbelts, no matter what, to show the good deeds to my boys not to break the law. Also, the patrol officers have already explained the law about wearing seatbelts to my oldest son and hopefully he took it seriously.

Very rarely, I take my seatbelt off while being travelled (husband driving) to punish my boys in the backseat or something like that. It doesn't happen too often though. One time I was so pissed off big time at my oldest son for being out of control in the backseat (nearly breaking my seat by kicking hard on the back of the seat), I had to take my seatbelt off to turn around to face him. It wasn't pleasant. :ugh:
<---Must have BELT on all the time

Dont wanna end up with a HUGE hospital bill or 6 foot under
Originally posted by sablescort
<---Must have BELT on all the time

Dont wanna end up with a HUGE hospital bill or 6 foot under

Or that Insurance can cover it. Some insurances would refuse to do it if you were found not wearing a belt.

That happened to a friend of mine. He had totalled his jeep and ended up wanting the insurance to cover it but in the police report it shows that this friend was asked a question if he was wearing a seat belt and he replied no. Now the insurance says, "You broke the law and in our policy if you break any type of laws you would lose the coverage."
dat true .....I can hardly imagine wreck without belt on and then the ins. co finds out, I'm gonna be walking fer a long time until I cud scrape enough $$$ to buy another car

Insurance companies cud be a pain in the :booty: sometimes
i always wear mine...if someones in the front seat with me and they dont put it on ill tell them to put it on......but if i sit in the back i dont wear one :X
I wear it 100% of the time... if my passenger doesn't put it on then I won't drive. :D
Originally posted by Katzie
I wear it 100% of the time... if my passenger doesn't put it on then I won't drive. :D

I just tell them to get the fu*k out. :p
I forgot to add something... in Colorado law just passed last May 17 for all drivers, passengers (it doesn't matter what age, whose sitting in front or in backseat or anywhere in any vehicle, by law are required to use seatbelt at all time, if police see you not wearing seat belt... they would call it "Click it or Ticket it" basically if you forgot to use seatbelt or anything and police saw you, Police won't give a damn about your excuses they will said it's either click it or ticket so you choose to ticket so ur problem... my mom got a fair warning few day after May 17, the police told her as a passenger that the law just passed, so my mom started using seatbelt 100% and tell me and other people not to drive without using seatbelt!
"Click it or Ticket it" basically if you forgot to use seatbelt or anything and police saw you, Police won't give a damn about your excuses they will said it's either click it or ticket so you choose to ticket so ur problem...

same with down here - georgia

seatbelt did save my life when my car flipped twice. i had a scratch on my shoulder and a minor cut on my thumb. seat belt works....
I WEAR seatbelts on ALL the time cuz I KNOW its the law and i dont need a ticket and don t want my insurance to go up RME , SO therefore CLICK it OR TICKET it is the best way to go Hawaii police are going berserk abt that cuz there have been quite alot of accidents here and too many speeders not paying attention I would rather be bruised then dead therefore CLICK IT!
i wear my seatbelt religiously ever since i was involved in an auto accident when i was 16 (someone else was driving) and went thru the windshield

im the same way when i have passengers in the car they know my rule -- put on seatbelt or they wont get a ride the same applies to the kids

Maryland state does have the "click it or ticket" law
Must wear seat belt all the time after got a nasty ticket from the police in Dallas, TX last year.
Not wear seat belt as passenger that what I break the law. Costs me $105. Just advice just click it as save $$$$.
Originally posted by Lasza
Must wear seat belt all the time after got a nasty ticket from the police in Dallas, TX last year.
Not wear seat belt as passenger that what I break the law. Costs me $105. Just advice just click it as save $$$$.

:rofl: Lasza THAT i remmy!!!!! hahahah

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