School Bullying, Once Silent Battle....Now a Crime

Does he stopped after you send him to the hospital? I hope so.

no idea but he bullied my friend and I stood up for him once. that was end of it as well for him. what an asshole and he's probably still an asshole today. Several years later, I saw him at Petco. he didn't recognize me but I did recognize him. I laughed cuz he's still what as I thought - a douchebag!
Before the end of the school year, I saw a story on CNN online that bothered the heck out of me. A boy hanged himself after coming home from school and didn't have the nerve to tell his mother or anyone else he was being picked on. This boy could have been me, but I obviously didn't commit suicide, as there's nothing that happens that's worth doing that.

So, you know what I did? I wondered about that brother and sister duo who picked on me in junior high (just the 7th grade, as I went to private school after that). I couldn't find the sister, but I found the boy, who lives in another suburb of the Twin Cities. So, I wrote him a nice one page letter, telling him that I forgave him and his sister.

I did not use any swear words to describe what I thought of him, as he probably knows. He didn't need that from me. What he needed is to have me tell him that what he and his sister did to me several times a day was not nice and that I forgave him. I didn't have a friend the whole 7th grade year. I also told him that I hope his wife and kids and his sister's husband and kids know what kind of people they were back then. Seeing this story, I told him I hoped it made him and his sister feel better about themselves.

When I mailed the letter, at the last moment, I decided to put my return address on the envelope, in case he wanted to write. To date, I haven't heard from him and don't expect to.

Is this a better thing to do than to call the person every name in the book and threaten to have his manhood cut off? Yes. Can a fire put out another fire? No. All is forgiven and, believe it or not, once you cross that threshfold of forgiving the other person, you transferred your feelings of helplessness and despair to the bully and it remains there permanently. If the bully asks for forgiveness, it's granted (already has been) and it takes the burden of it off their shoulders.
That was what my dad and stepmom said about my brother. Now, he is serving time for armed robbery. So much for "Boys will be boys," heh?

Is this the deaf brother that recently moved to Maryland to be closer to you? Or do you have more than one brother?
Is this the deaf brother that recently moved to Maryland to be closer to you? Or do you have more than one brother?

I have 5 brothers and it is neither one of them. :) 3 brothers from my dad's marriage to his 2nd wife, 1 brother from my mom and her ex boyfriend and 1 full brother from both parents (deaf one). :D

The one who is jail (just got out according to my aunt) is 20 years old.
Shame, it took something this extreme in order to do something about bullying.

I concur. It's unfortunate that this had to happen to shed some lights for the authorities to realize that bullying shouldn't have to be swept under the rug.
:shock: That's the worse than my old days! I am hopin' that this boy don't change anythin' down the road. It must be traumatized for this boy after what those boys did to him.

Bully is a disease and it sure epidemic everywhere like cancer! :eek3:
Man that is just awful! I've never been bullied before but I can't imagine how it would be feel like to be bullied. That poor kid....
Iv have been bullied many times, It is part of life.
I was pestered by an Eskimo troublemaker in my school dorm while I was doing homework. The dorm counsellor warned and told him to leave me alone twice. He did it again and I blew up my temper to beat him up real good. Then he threw several ice skates and threatened to throw a fire extinguisher at me. I told him to do it and he lifted it over his head. Know what I did? I pulled away one of his raising arms and the fire extinguisher hit at top of his head real hard. He cried hard and left me along with other boys. The dorm counsellor decided not to punish me because he felt that troublemaker fully deserved it. The boys cheered me up for beating him cuz they hated him for all troubles that he caused against them. In the end, he suffered a broken nose in two places and a bad lump at top of his head. It was hilarious to watch him walk with a conehead. :laugh2:

A few days later, I went home to be with my family for Easter. My mother asked me what happened after the dorm vice-principal told her about my epic fight. I explained everything to her and she felt appreciative to know that I did not start it. Then she wanted to know what kind of Eskimo tribe he was from and I told her that he was an Innu. She said, "good! And it was good to see you to beat him because we have some blood in being Inuit!"
Then she wanted to know what kind of Eskimo tribe he was from and I told her that he was an Innu. She said, "good! And it was good to see you to beat him because we have some blood in being Inuit!"

Excuse me for going off. Royale, how many tribes are there in Alaska/maybe Canada? What are they - if there are not too many tribes? I didn't know that there are more than one tribe. I have heard of Inuit but not Innu. I thought Inuit replace the word Eskimo as I haven't heard that word in years.
it is not part of life. I refuse to let it be part of my life. Stand your ground and defend it :mad2:

I came to that conclusion long after I complained to my mother about being bullied and got her reply "Ignore it and it will go away". It didn't go away.
I came to that conclusion long after I complained to my mother about being bullied and got her reply "Ignore it and it will go away". It didn't go away.

My mom used to tell me the same thing! I tried to ignore it but it never went away. I even got my hand smashed by a locker door for no reason. How can one ignore that?!
My mom used to tell me the same thing! I tried to ignore it but it never went away. I even got my hand smashed by a locker door for no reason. How can one ignore that?!

I hope your hand is in good shape now.

I have a question. What can I do if a man (remember that I am petite) was being mean to me? Shall I take up Tae Kwon Do?
The school has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all students. If bullying takes place at school, the school district should be held responsible. School is for learning and bullying disrupts the learning environment. Parents should file law suits against schools until they do something.
The school has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all students. If bullying takes place at school, the school district should be held responsible. School is for learning and bullying disrupts the learning environment. Parents should file law suits against schools until they do something.

Maybe it is now. I went to school in 60's and 70's where things are abit different back then.
. . . I have a question: What can I do if a man (remember that I am petite) was being mean to me? Shall I take up Tae Kwon Do?

Before I answer your question, if you don't mind, Buffalo, what's more important to you: his broken nose or you laying in a hospital bed?

Send the jerk to the emergency room! I don't allow anyone to pick on me anymore, for any reason and I will defend myself and couldn't care less if I sent the other person to the ER or to the morgue. My safety on the line or your safety on the line, Buffalo, remember two words: Aim High.
well, if Buffao is petite....then she should have a good aim at his crotch....then go for the eyes....jab ur fingers into the eyes and run like hell.....I'm petite also, and don't take no baloney!
I hope your hand is in good shape now.

I have a question. What can I do if a man (remember that I am petite) was being mean to me? Shall I take up Tae Kwon Do?

why tae kwon do for a meanie person? You can be charged with assault and he will be laughing at you.

What you can do is file a harassment/stalking against him. Police takes it seriously nowadays.
I hope your hand is in good shape now.

I have a question. What can I do if a man (remember that I am petite) was being mean to me? Shall I take up Tae Kwon Do?

That was in 1985...I cried like a baby after that and everyone laughed at me. I didnt report it cuz I was scared of everyone turning against me. Sad, heh?

I cant remember how long my hand hurted.

Take Tae Kwon Do...we, women, need to protect ourselves.