Scam Alert...

:rofl: the IM with the scammer is way too funny!
Brownbetty111: am brown betty
Ginger: u already told me.. but now you said brown?
Ginger: i thought your name is betty?
Ginger: hahahahha u are a fucking scammer.
Ginger: lmao!
Ginger: Busted!
Ginger: busted!
Ginger: jeez
Brownbetty111: am brown betty
Ginger: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ginger: lmao
Ginger: u cracked me up!
Ginger: big time!
Ginger: LOL
Brownbetty111: what you mean
Ginger: yes cuz you said your name is betty
Ginger: now you said your name is brown?
Ginger: make ur fucking mind up

Look at the screen name, Freakycat, it says "Brownbetty" :doh:
DeafLotto123 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
DeafLotto123: This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of One Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($1.5000,000) for the month of Feb,2008 Prize Promotion which is Organized by YAHOO AWARDS,AOL IN CONJUCTION WITH AIM & WINDOWS LIVE.
YAHOO! collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo and Hotmail and few from other e-mail providers. Six people are selected monthly to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners
DeafLotto123: This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of One Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($1.5000,000) for the month of Feb,2008 Prize Promotion which is Organized by YAHOO AWARDS,AOL IN CONJUCTION WITH AIM & WINDOWS LIVE.
YAHOO! collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo and Hotmail and few from other e-mail providers. Six people are selected monthly to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners
Ginger: This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of One Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($1.5000,000) for the month of Feb,2008 Prize Promotion which is Organized by YAHOO AWARDS,AOL IN CONJUCTION WITH AIM & WINDOWS LIVE.
YAHOO! collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo and Hotmail and few from other e-mail providers. Six people are selected monthly to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners
Ginger: This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of One Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($1.5000,000) for the month of Feb,2008 Prize Promotion which is Organized by YAHOO AWARDS,AOL IN CONJUCTION WITH AIM & WINDOWS LIVE.
YAHOO! collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo and Hotmail and few from other e-mail providers. Six people are selected monthly to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners
Ginger: p
DeafLotto123: Where have y been?
Ginger: Where have y been?
DeafLotto123: We have been looking for you to get your package from us
Ginger: We have been looking for you to get your package from us

no answer?? the scammer got owned..LOL..
hahahhaa i got another message again .. but i accidently x on im.. opps..

now another person immed me.. lmao! i think it is same person. :lol: i am cracking up here.. heh..

Brownbetty111 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
Brownbetty111: hi
am betty here smile
now what?
what do you want?
hi betty
good.. i am a female too
am 35
i am 35 too
i work fbi detective online
from south dakota
Oh really.
good for you!
any spy
this is being tracked by FBI too.
in case you didnt know
they will arrest you if you give me false information
hold i am talking to a lady who was scammed on lottry
am brown betty
ok good luck!
u already told me.. but now you said brown?
i thought your name is betty?
hahahahha u are a fucking scammer.
am brown betty
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
u cracked me up!
big time!
what you mean
yes cuz you said your name is betty
now you said your name is brown?
make ur fucking mind up
u imbecile moron!
am full name is betty brown ok
real FBI agent dont mess their names up.
u are not a professional agent.
good try!
i dont believe you are sincerely one.
listen to me me never get rude on here ok
get rude what?
whatever you say god sees you clear ok
unless you are same as andy60504 ?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
am hunam like you
why do i have to hide for you
who that
u are not a fucking human being.. telling people that you won lottery
that is LOW ...
who that all about
he ripped you off
NO they never rip me off.
u think i am dumb?:
Ginger: i am not imebcile moron like you are

Look at the screen name, Freakycat, it says "Brownbetty" :doh:

Cheri, go back to the post and reread again. that person did say AM BETTY. then next one say brown .. lol.. that person got owned.. heh! :giggle:
Cheri, go back to the post and reread again. that person did say AM BETTY. then next one say brown .. lol.. that person got owned.. heh! :giggle:

I did, and know she says that she was Betty, but her screen name tells it all that she is brownbetty, so in fact it's you that got owned. :giggle:
I did, and know she says that she was Betty, but her screen name tells it all that she is brownbetty, so in fact it's you that got owned. :giggle:

No i didnt get owned. that person did. did you know that in nigeria- they usually put brown as first name but really its last name and betty as last name? not liek here in usa? thats how i know.. but that person kept messing it up? thats why i said that person cant keep it straight? so therefore she got owned.

here in usa.. my name is Ginger P. but in nigeria its P., Ginger . not sure if u know this??? :D
Never mind, You don't understand what I was trying to point out. Forget it. :)
Never mind, You don't understand what I was trying to point out. Forget it. :)

i do understand what you said.. that she have the sn. yes but still the person kept messing the name ?? betty then brown.. then betty.. thats what i mean? thats why i said that pereson cant make her mind up which name to use? so she cant keep it straight of her name? so she still got owned. i didnt. :D
Played another game with a scammer .. heh!

ktln4luv is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
ktln4luv: hey
Ginger: hey
ktln4luv: hello i am Robert S. Mueller111 the Director of the FBI. We are on Investigation in Nigeria to detect to scamms and fraudulent online and we caught some scammers. So we got your screen name from them and they told us that they have once scammed you before.
Ginger: hello i am Robert S. Mueller111 the Director of the FBI. We are on Investigation in Nigeria to detect to scamms and fraudulent online and we caught some scammers. So we got your screen name from them and they told us that they have once scammed you before.
ktln4luv: what?
Ginger: what?
ktln4luv: i mean we caught some scammers
ktln4luv: and they told us they have once scammed you
Ginger: i mean we caught some scammers
Ginger: and they told us they have once scammed you
ktln4luv: i mean we caught some scammers
ktln4luv: and they told us they have once scammed you
Ginger: i mean we caught some scammers
Ginger: and they told us they have once scammed you
ktln4luv: good
Ginger: good
Deaf chairty I think It's same person

Hi everyone,
Scam alert!!! I got someone imed me yesterday morning from deaf charity group
I have the samething someone is scam again GRRR Pissed me off

Just recently Yesterday morning i got an im from them and i knew it is a
scam cuz it said am fine. most of many scam again!!
here is reading :

deafcharity2000: Hello
Kathy: Who are you?
deafcharity2000: My name is Laura from the deaf charity organization base in New York USA
deafcharity2000: how are you doing today?
Kathy: How did you contact me?
Kathy: I am fine
deafcharity2000: ok good to here
deafcharity2000: we got your email and that of millions of email from deaf group all over the world
Kathy: Huh
deafcharity2000: I am contacting you today because i have a good news for you from the deaf charity organization base in New York USA
Kathy: What is that?
deafcharity2000: Congratulations
Kathy: Like what?
deafcharity2000: I am please to inform you that you happens to be the Sixth Lucky Winner on our ongoing deaf lottery
Kathy: That's bullshit
Kathy: You always scam.. Bye
deafcharity2000: i understand you but this is real
deafcharity2000: you need to believe this
Kathy: Fuck you
Kathy: You dont add me again
Kathy: You are fake
Kathy: fuck your black dick bye
deafcharity2000: its ok bye for now
deafcharity2000: deafcharity2000 signed out at 6:50 am.
OMG wow terrible is crazy terrible, that is stupid play games, you are blocked someone. I am shocked play games and not funny.

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