Scam Alert...

That's all the information fully revealed on the internet and all these server names are fake.

For sure, it's definitely a fake scammer organisation where they want YOUR money.

Good work, FC!

They're going to be creammmmmed
I checked the domain name. It is owned by someone in Nigeria.

Another typical Nigerian scam. :roll:
Freaky, the word "organisation" (with s) is spelled correctly at least in other places like Canada, Europe, etc. :)

I was skeptic after checking the deafcharity website, I was going to forward the website to someone I know works for the Georgia Secretary of State in Atlanta as businesses are required to have state-issued licenses and such in the state and elsewhere. But I did a quick google on the address, which came up with nothing until I noticed the zip code -- 32001 is an non-exist zip code, supposedly in Florida. The zip codes in Macon, Ga., starts from 31201 to 31299.

As for the phone number, 612-812-xxxx is a Cingular (at&t) assigned number for its mobile phone users in the twin-cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul area).

Like Freak Cat and VamPyroX stated above, it is another Nigeria scam. I am afraid there is not much NAD and the likes could do about this, but they could send open letters to people to warn them of the scams. It is possible FBI and even the Secret Services will do something about it.
Freaky, the word "organisation" (with s) is spelled correctly at least in other places like Canada, Europe, etc. :)

I was skeptic after checking the deafcharity website, I was going to forward the website to someone I know works for the Georgia Secretary of State in Atlanta as businesses are required to have state-issued licenses and such in the state and elsewhere. But I did a quick google on the address, which came up with nothing until I noticed the zip code -- 32001 is an non-exist zip code, supposedly in Florida. The zip codes in Macon, Ga., starts from 31201 to 31299.

As for the phone number, 612-812-xxxx is a Cingular (at&t) assigned number for its mobile phone users in the twin-cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul area).

Like Freak Cat and VamPyroX stated above, it is another Nigeria scam. I am afraid there is not much NAD and the likes could do about this, but they could send open letters to people to warn them of the scams. It is possible FBI and even the Secret Services will do something about it.
I've contacted all the "sponsors" of this.

Let's see if something happens. :)
Really? I didnt know but thank you for letting me know but this is USA so its organization! period! ha!

Yes Brian I am sure NAD will do something like report the website and have them shut the website down? I hope so!
Oh, I love scammers, just pickign their BS apart is fun. It is too obviously a scam, however.... you got to love the part in the whois re: the domain name

Created On:06-Feb-2008 22:27:21 UTC

Yet, they've had all these winners lol.


Please Be aware of Scammers and Imposters who Claim to Work for The
Organisation. Our Staff includes, Laura Irwin
( Shana Smith (

If they were legit, they would have email addressses NOT

By the way, we spell "organization" with a Z in Canada.

Emails were gotten from Top Email providers Like Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and
Top Deaf and Charitable Organisations like NAD, WFD, and UNAD.

So, if they got all these "Random" email addresses frmo yahoo, aol, and msn, how on earth would they know who was deaf, and who was not? lol

What a joke.... these african scammers think they are so smart. I love how they write... And seriously, why do they need a testimony for a lotto winning? lol. ever hear of a lottery winner giving a testimnony? "Yeah, I won big, I got my money, WOOHOO!" lol whats the point.

did anybody even notice that the entire main content of the site is saved as an image? This is commong for them to use to email and spam people with too..


anyway, lol. stay away!
Oh, I love scammers, just pickign their BS apart is fun. It is too obviously a scam, however.... you got to love the part in the whois re: the domain name

Created On:06-Feb-2008 22:27:21 UTC

Yet, they've had all these winners lol.


If they were legit, they would have email addressses NOT

By the way, we spell "organization" with a Z in Canada.

So, if they got all these "Random" email addresses frmo yahoo, aol, and msn, how on earth would they know who was deaf, and who was not? lol

What a joke.... these african scammers think they are so smart. I love how they write... And seriously, why do they need a testimony for a lotto winning? lol. ever hear of a lottery winner giving a testimnony? "Yeah, I won big, I got my money, WOOHOO!" lol whats the point.

did anybody even notice that the entire main content of the site is saved as an image? This is commong for them to use to email and spam people with too..


anyway, lol. stay away!

I knew about these things, like I mentioned -- few things are out of place. Their writing isn't like american english nor australian. They use captalized letters on each word! :eek3: What a joke!

They are stupid enough to put up a dumb website, where we can recongise as a non-professional where they wouldn't get any traffic past that. Unlike, these stupid scammers. I bet, they have pea sized brains, though.
Deafwomen (11:28:40 AM):
This is Lisa Johnson from Deaf Women United , (Deaf Women United, Inc.)
I have a message for you
Can i go ahead with the message ?

Ginger (11:29:04 AM): sure
Deafwomen (11:29:16 AM): Hold ,while i explain the message ,when i finish typing it, you can read it .okay?
Deafwomen (11:30:38 AM): ?
Ginger (11:31:09 AM): fine
Ginger (11:31:10 AM): i will wait
Deafwomen (11:31:27 AM): A Month ago, We organised a program for all Deaf on the internet, we discovered that 79% of women on the internet are living below the standard of living and we at Deaf Women United came up with a program. Our mission is to promote the intrest of deaf women in North America through Empowerment and support
Deafwomen (11:31:34 AM): National Deaf Women United Conference is for all deaf in north America,the purpose of the program is to assist all Deafs women who are materially and financially down.
We made a survey amonge women and discovered that the the SSI /ODSP is not enough for most women and we decided to come under one umbrella to sort this problem.
Deafwomen (11:31:36 AM): The United Nation Support for the Deaf gave us a backing , and ask us to randomly select 500 Deaf Women on the Internet, and that was how you were selected.
As a matter of fact.each member that have been selected will receive support in form of food stuffs and household materials (or $3,500 fund equivalent ) and that is why i am contacting you right now,some members got their materials already.while some receive fund instead.
Deafwomen (11:31:44 AM): You must be a Woman and North American citizen,to benefit from this offer. You have therefore qualify for the Monthly Foodstuffs and Household Supply from Deaf World Group in Association with United Nation
The program is not a loan ,neither is it a lottery,but is meant to assist selected deafs .

Deafwomen (11:31:46 AM): Before you can be part of this program,4 questions will be given to you, if you score more than 2 questions, that means you have qualified.
Are you ready for the questions????

Ginger (11:32:22 AM): yes i guess so
Ginger (11:32:25 AM): go ahead
Deafwomen (11:33:51 AM): Ok
Deafwomen (11:34:08 AM): Once you miss more than 2 questions, consider yourself out
Deafwomen (11:34:13 AM): Ok?
Deafwomen (11:34:13 AM): Good luck
Deafwomen (11:34:21 AM): Question 1
Deafwomen (11:34:23 AM):
What is the month of Independent day ?
Ginger (11:35:38 AM): July
Deafwomen (11:35:51 AM): Correct
Deafwomen (11:35:55 AM): Question 2
Deafwomen (11:36:03 AM): Name 2 Democrats runing for the U.S President
Ginger (11:36:13 AM): obama and clinton
Deafwomen (11:36:28 AM): Correct
Deafwomen (11:36:31 AM): Question 3
Deafwomen (11:36:37 AM): Name 1 Republican Presidential Candidate
Ginger (11:36:42 AM): mccain
Ginger (11:36:42 AM): this is too easy. come on u can do better than this! sheesh!
Ginger (11:38:51 AM): well?
Ginger (11:38:56 AM): am i right or not?
Ginger (11:38:57 AM): waiting
Ginger (11:39:02 AM): *yawning*
4Ginger (11:40:32 AM): hello???
Ginger (11:40:34 AM): are u there????
Deafwomen (11:40:57 AM): Sorry for the problem caused it
Deafwomen (11:41:17 AM): Yes
Deafwomen (11:41:29 AM): what is the answer to question 4?
Deafwomen (11:42:16 AM): ??
Ginger (11:42:47 AM): mccain
Deafwomen (11:43:04 AM): Now the last question
Deafwomen (11:43:06 AM): On which Island is Statute of Liberty located?
Ginger (11:43:15 AM): ellis island
Deafwomen (11:43:22 AM): Correct
Deafwomen (11:43:33 AM): You got 4 questions right
Deafwomen (11:43:40 AM): Congratulation, you have qualified for the program, other member who did this test with you also qualified ,therefore both of you have been selected for the Monthly Foodstuffs and Household Supply,but right now we are short of ,food stuff and household material ,therefore a fund will be given to you instead.
A Monthly Foodstuffs and Household is estimated to be $3,500 , therefore you will be getting $3,500 instead.
I will send you the tracking number for the fund in 30 mins time.
Deafwomen (11:43:51 AM): What is your name ?
Ginger (11:43:56 AM): Ginger Dell
Deafwomen (11:44:01 AM): Incase of the fund delivary .What is your address, pls P.O Box or APO is not accepted
Deafwomen (11:44:57 AM): Email address pls ?
Ginger (11:45:23 AM): 123 Nightmare Elm, Los Angeles,CA 90001
Ginger (11:45:28 AM):
Deafwomen (11:45:33 AM): As i told you earlier, you and another member were selected at the same time, the other member name is Zulaira Diaz, therefore both of you will receive fund instead of the food stuff and household material.
According to the authority, a check of $7,310 has been arranged already and UPS will be bringing it down to your house .
Once the fund get to you, take out your $3,500 and send $3,500 to other member ,then use the remanining $310 left as Money Gram sending fee when sending fund to other member in NY.
After the fund has been sent, a reference number will be given to you at MoneyGram store ,it is a 10 digit numbers, kindly send it to us ,so that we will be able to confirm that you have send to other member.
Ginger (11:46:10 AM): sending fee?
Ginger (11:46:13 AM): why should i send you fee?
Deafwomen (11:46:21 AM): nO
Ginger (11:46:23 AM): i thought i am qualified for support for food stamps?
Deafwomen (11:46:24 AM): not fee
Ginger (11:46:26 AM): i dont understand this?
Deafwomen (11:46:32 AM): I did,nt ask for fee
Ginger (11:46:33 AM): unless you are a FUCKING SCAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deafwomen (11:46:40 AM): Read it very well
Deafwomen (11:46:45 AM): what an insult
Ginger (11:46:46 AM): u said sending fee! it is right there! i am not dumb! fucking liar!
Ginger (11:46:50 AM): FUCK YOU
Deafwomen (11:46:51 AM): no
Deafwomen (11:46:53 AM): read ir
Deafwomen (11:46:55 AM): read it
Ginger (11:46:57 AM): CHICKENSHIT
Deafwomen (11:46:58 AM): try and read it
Ginger (11:46:59 AM): CHICKENSHIT
Ginger (11:47:01 AM): FUCK YOU
Ginger (11:47:02 AM): FUCK U
Ginger (11:47:03 AM): FUCK U
Ginger (11:47:04 AM): FUCK U
Deafwomen signed off at 11:47:05 AM.
Deafwomen is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
Ginger (11:47:05 AM): SCAMMERS
Deafwomen is unable to receive offline IMs.

REmind...this is not my real last name i got it from Dell computers.. LOL... hehe! i had fun playing along with them.. hehe!:rl: aat them! grrr..
Still on topic, just narrowed to a particular, Jake's observation to one clue in spotting scammers--over capitalization (or capitalisation in Jake's dictionary):

Legitimate charities usually assisted in publications by legitimate editors. Misuse of capitals is one sure sign of poor writing skills or English as a second language.

When one red flag goes up, we usually look for and find other errors by scammers.

Good heads up, folks.
Still on topic, just narrowed to a particular, Jake's observation to one clue in spotting scammers--over capitalization (or capitalisation in Jake's dictionary):

Legitimate charities usually assisted in publications by legitimate editors. Misuse of capitals is one sure sign of poor writing skills or English as a second language.

When one red flag goes up, we usually look for and find other errors by scammers.

Good heads up, folks.

Don't worry, I understand american english ;)
UGH why?

Report it to the FBI Cyber crimes division and let them handle it, better them than you.
yes dixie but keep them play with me keep them from someone fall victim to them? I am just having :P
I just received a scam phishing email this morning. (If you want to move this to another thread, please feel free.)

The email was supposedly from our credit union, and addressed to Hubby. It said it was a warning that someone was trying access his online account, and that he needed to click the link to change his password. Ha! Hubby has never used the on-line account feature, and never even set one up. His name was typed in all lowercase. I have an on-line account in my name only. Also, the email didn't even use any letterhead or logo designs from the credit union. Also, it used day/month/year format which is normally used only by the military in the USA, or by people who live in other countries.

I checked the source code and found the actual ip address for the link that was supposed to be the credit union. Of course, it wasn't. I copy and pasted, then backed it down to its home page. Then I opened it. Guess what! The home page is in Arabic! Not my friendly credit union. :mad:


I printed out the email, the header source code, and the web page. Hubby's going to take it to the credit union Monday. Also, I'm going to report it to RoadRunner scam alert.

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