Saying Goodbye to Tigger :(

Sorry and Glad you still see Tigger! :grouphug:
I know it's not a permanent goodbye but you are allowed to cry. Tigger wasn't just any dog to you... she was very special (not that other pet dogs aren't) but she was serving you well during all those years...

It's good to know what she is in a place where she will be take good care of and that you can visit her any time you want!

Will you big getting another dog soon? If yes, do you know which one...?

<big hugs> Jamie

Thanks, Jamie!

I'm not sure if I will get another guide dog or not. There are a few things I need to take into consideration. One of them is the fact that I need to have my next dog trained on my right side (they are typically trained on the left) due to the severe carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand. I also worry about constantly comparing my new dog to Tigger. With that being the case, I don't want to take out any anger or frustration on my new dog just because he or she is different than Tigger. I plan to discuss my feelings with Tigger's trainer. Hopefully, he can help me decide if getting another dog is in my best interest.
Hear again, how are you today?

Thanks for asking typeing. :ty:

I'm actually doing much better emotionally than I thought I would.

I have an appointment this morning which will keep me busy for a few hours so I don't have to think about missing Tigger.

When I get home, I may take a long walk or stop at my favorite restaurant for takeout.

I know I have to deal with my grief and sadness eventually, but I'm afraid to because if I start crying, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. :(
Hear Again,

Snickers was trained by me to be on my right side because of my left arm. At first, she tried to be on my left side, as the former owners must have trained her that way. She is on my right and is attached to my belt. I had a cheapo belt one time and that's the only one she broke.

Snickers is my Akita-German Shepherd hearing dog and is nine-years old, as you know. She has done an outstanding job with me and I'm pleased with her.

On another note, a girl whose parents befriended me at their church told me that she finally got a hearing dog and lives in suburban D.C. I'm glad I talked to her when we dated a few times about getting a hearing dog. She was so dead against having a CI done, well, all that's changed. I'm very happy for her to have a hearing dog and hope you will decide on your own if you want another one or not. Best wishes to you, my friend. :)
Thanks for asking typeing. :ty:

I'm actually doing much better emotionally than I thought I would.

I have an appointment this morning which will keep me busy for a few hours so I don't have to think about missing Tigger.

When I get home, I may take a long walk or stop at my favorite restaurant for takeout.

I know I have to deal with my grief and sadness eventually, but I'm afraid to because if I start crying, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. :(

Hear again, i hope you continue to do well, and I hope you can deal with your grief, it's hard. <<hugs>> :hug:
Hear Again,

Snickers was trained by me to be on my right side because of my left arm. At first, she tried to be on my left side, as the former owners must have trained her that way. She is on my right and is attached to my belt. I had a cheapo belt one time and that's the only one she broke.

Snickers is my Akita-German Shepherd hearing dog and is nine-years old, as you know. She has done an outstanding job with me and I'm pleased with her.

On another note, a girl whose parents befriended me at their church told me that she finally got a hearing dog and lives in suburban D.C. I'm glad I talked to her when we dated a few times about getting a hearing dog. She was so dead against having a CI done, well, all that's changed. I'm very happy for her to have a hearing dog and hope you will decide on your own if you want another one or not. Best wishes to you, my friend. :)

Thanks, Pete! :ty: :)

I can't believe Snickers is already 9 years old! Where does the time go? I'm happy that you've been a team for that long. I hope I can do the same if I decide to get another guide dog.

I'm glad the person you mentioned was able to receive a hearing dog. I've been able to share my experiences as well with other deafblind and blind people who eventually decided that they wanted a guide dog. I can't imagine my life without a dog, but I also need to think about how well I will/can deal with a dog that has a completely different personality than Tigger. This wasn't difficult for me when I trained with Tigger since Sugar (my first guide dog) was very challenging to handle 90% of the time. Tigger was a welcome change and a perfect fit for me.

I plan to call Tigger's trainer to find out what he suggests. I know the decision is ultimately up to me, but I value his opinion. He also knows me well enough (he has known me since 1991 when I trained with Sugar) to be honest about whether or not this is something I should do right now if at all.

Thanks again for your post! :)
Sorry to hear about Tigger... You kinda, knew that the time was coming.

Doesn't matter how much you try to prepare yourself for a loss. It is never easy.
Hear Again, I'm sorry to hear about Tigger, my thoughts are with you. It sad when you have to say good bye to a pet. Hugs
Sorry to hear about Tigger... You kinda, knew that the time was coming.

Doesn't matter how much you try to prepare yourself for a loss. It is never easy.

That's true. I've tried to remind myself of the fact that I knew Tigger's health was declining, but it doesn't make the pain I feel seem any less intense than it would if she had an acute illness. :(
Oh my dear! I know how you feeling for lose your loving pet, Hear Again. It´s very sad to say goodbye to your loving Tigger... :( :hug: :(
this may be belated, but sorry about your news Hear Again, i know the pain of pet loss too, my siamese cat died last week , you have my sentiments here too

I am reading a great book at present, it is that good that if you can get it, is "Goodbye , freind' by Gary Kowalski, then get it. It is an awe-inspiring book that helps to put pet loss into perspective but all the same time, it does NOT discount animals, in fact it brings it up to par as losing your loved (human) ones....

Take your time before you rush to replace, you'd never replace tigger, but you would feel more at ease with a companion/helper at your foot
