Same-sex couples in D.C. say 'I do'

I know what justified I asked Justified how

It is just like similar question asked from my friend about Iraq war should be justified so I said between of them.

Edit, you asked how so because of religious and moral reason that against on gay marriage.
Oh ok, justified means right and reasonable, that why I asked in different word.

I'm really hate when someone, especially you make lead me to miscommunication.

Back to topic, anyway.

No offence, but you kinda set yourself up for that.
D.C. ROCKS!!! I wish I could have a cute boyfriend, I'd propose a marriage away. Elope to those states allowing same sex marriage!

Congrats, DC!

You have my support.
Be interesting to see what happens if a ballot initiative comes about.
The public should NEVER be allowed to vote to remove the rights of others. I am all for the rights of individuals, and for the right to vote (in my opinion, on more then what we can vote for now). The thing is, that one person’s rights should never be held in the hands of the masses. We would not have the freedoms we have now if not for the forced rights system that has had to happen with both women and African-Americans. What if we left it to the state to determine if women had the right to vote, or African-Americans could be free? It would have taken some states YEARS if ever before they would have granted equal rights to those that the general public would not have accepted it.

Now, I am not commenting on your point of view, I am commenting on the “right” of others in a city/state/whatever the choice to remove/restrict/prevent the power of others to equal opportunities.

My personal view of a resolution would be this: Convert all “marriages” in the US to “Civil Unions” for the matter of law, taxes, ect. Leave the choice of the term “marriage” to those that wish to call it that in person to person conversation. Divide the term from what the government looks at, and what the independent groups chose to call it. Then add wording that prevents the rights of the people from ever getting removed. I do not care for what the word is, only the fact that whatever it is called, it is the same for everyone.
Since some religions have made claim to the word “Marriage” (funny how people had been getting married longer then some of the faiths that take claim to the word have existed, but that is for another conversation), then let us use the legal term for it for legal activities. After all, anyone that has been married, at least in the states, knows that you get married twice. Once for the family/church/friends ect., and again when you fill out the forms..

D.C. ROCKS!!! I wish I could have a cute boyfriend, I'd propose a marriage away. Elope to those states allowing same sex marriage!
Congrats, DC!
You have my support.
I wish this too. Sadly, my state, like a few others, have gone out of the way to make sure that even those married in another state are not able to be listed as married here. Guess I could move, but alas..
The public should NEVER be allowed to vote to remove the rights of others. I am all for the rights of individuals, and for the right to vote (in my opinion, on more then what we can vote for now). The thing is, that one person’s rights should never be held in the hands of the masses. We would not have the freedoms we have now if not for the forced rights system that has had to happen with both women and African-Americans. What if we left it to the state to determine if women had the right to vote, or African-Americans could be free? It would have taken some states YEARS if ever before they would have granted equal rights to those that the general public would not have accepted it..

Which is exactly what would make it interesting
To respect each other's choices without any harm or offends, or any affects to others.

That is not what I was asking. It was an attempt to clarify what Foxrac was asking before I answered....which he did.
Do YOU think that ban on gay marriage is right thing? Yes or No.

Wrong thing to ban gay marriage. Those "humans" have rights to love whoever they want. So, they can marry to their loved ones.

God Bless those wonderful couples.

The public should NEVER be allowed to vote to remove the rights of others. I am all for the rights of individuals, and for the right to vote (in my opinion, on more then what we can vote for now). The thing is, that one person’s rights should never be held in the hands of the masses. We would not have the freedoms we have now if not for the forced rights system that has had to happen with both women and African-Americans. What if we left it to the state to determine if women had the right to vote, or African-Americans could be free? It would have taken some states YEARS if ever before they would have granted equal rights to those that the general public would not have accepted it.


According to the US Constitution, if you keep looking beyond the US Constitution, the interpretation of US Constitution were provided in the Federalist Papers. If you find Article #51 and Article #10, clearly explained how to protect the minority from having rights removed by the majority. That's why the public should never be allowed to vote on a purpose to remove the rights of others. Even, US Constitution protects people by the First Amendment, Free Exercise Of Religion and Separation of Church and State. It is clearly prohibited removing one's right without due process in the Amendment 14th, Section 1 -- civil rights and equal protection. Thus, it is wrong to use ballot vote or public vote to remove the rights to marry.

What can I say about the religion hammering individual's civil right? Would this subject matter brings Peace and Harmony? I doubt, however it would be great that everybody goes peaceful and harminous. This country would be a great nation. A Happy Nation! (I love this sound!)
That is not what I was asking. It was an attempt to clarify what Foxrac was asking before I answered....which he did.

You asked HOW which was not your nor Foxrac's answer. No offend, Foxrac.

My answer is for how the glbt rights should be justified as you asked.
Since marriage exists, it is not necessary to have a law upon a marriage. However, the government made marriage as a law for many legal reasons involved. Gay couples should have the same privilege, nothing more or less, just a simple equal, nothing special -- just everybody does, they get married!

Remember, the interracial marriage became an issue because of skin -- politics went mayhem! Whites tried to redefine the marriage. They had to complicate and made more laws on marriage.

Now, you can see this history over again, and gay marriage became an issue because of gender-based. What happened? Politics went nuttier off the chart than ever. Hetero tried to redefine the marriage - they shovel the morale down everybody's throat and slam gay people down harder. Do we deserve a slam-down? NO! Do we deserve a morale-shoving-down-throat? NO! We are merely humans and have capability to love whoever we choose.

Does this Romeo and Juliet familiar to you? Trying to run your life and telling you to be whatever they want you to be. What happened to the Shakespeare's saying, "Know thyself." I don't need a religion shoveling down my throat because it is not a love or peace, thus, religion is threatening me because they want to remove my rights, they want to remove my will away. I would say, screw them! I have a right to live. I have a right to love whoever I love. I have a right to marry whoever I want. Rights, rights, rights, rights -- how dare you try to remove my right away! Therefore, you can see why everybody is fighting to have the government to grant a marriage for gay people. Why complicated to grant a right while marriage is exisiting. That's really ridiculous. So, lawyers activated the US Constitution Amendent 14th to grant equal rights, equal protection, equal due process, equal, equal, equal, equal... do I need to keep saying equal? Hetero doesn't recognize "equal" because of the religion belief. So, there you go.

I thank God and I thank the US Constitution, I thank God for 14th Amendment, I thank God for 1st Amendment, and I thank US Congress for protecting my rights, my due process, my freedom, free from religious persecution.

Google "Separation of Church and State." Google Search has 1,640,210 results. I am sure that you would not have a problem finding it.
I am more than happy to elaborate the legal debates regarding gay marriage.

Here are the links:
-- Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

-- A Right to Marry? Same-sex Marriage and Constitutional Law >> Warning: Longest Article, damn good one!<<

-- Does The U.S. Constitution Already Make Gay Marriage Legal?

-- Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives


Based on my homework, research and understanding is that US violated all above, US violated human rights, US is in trouble. Interesting, is it? Ban on Gay Marriages in many states are violated by their state constitutions. Federal Marriage Act is unconstitutional because of US Constitution Amendment 1st, 2nd, 14th and so on. This is MORE likely for Supreme Court Judges saying "Unconstitutional." Californian Judge on Pro 8 is more likely to override the ballot, allow gay marriage, say "Unconstitutional."

If judge says in favor of Prop 8, it will go directly to Supreme Court.

Now you know that Gay Marriage SHOULD be allowed on based of US Constitution, Bills of Rights, and Amendments.

(Benjamin Franklin, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, you all are darned clever and so brilliant. You all saw that coming. So genius! I admire you all. Thank you!)
You asked HOW which was not your nor Foxrac's answer. No offend, Foxrac.

My answer is for how the glbt rights should be justified as you asked.

By" how" I was asking in what way. Legally, Morally ect ect......Then Foxrac clarified and said he wanted my individual take...... My take is I have no opinion.

I have posted on this subject quiet a bit...My opinion is I don't care either way. When (in other threads) people say gay marriage is "necessary" I debate that. I also debate whether or not the term "marriage" is necessary for gays or straights. But if someone says "I am gay and I want to get married" I tell them good luck. I have many many gay friends and a few gay family members. I support them all to do with their life as they please.

I also don't debate in this forum....this is a support forum. This thread started in current events....That is where the conversation between me and Foxrac took place. Foxrac and I are friends(online) and we debate each other alot.
But if someone says "I am gay and I want to get married" I tell them good luck. I have many many gay friends and a few gay family members. I support them all to do with their life as they please.

Nice.... so, will you stand up for them? Where would you stand on what ground? I don't care if anybody has a gay friend or a gay family member. It is becoming a little cliche already. "Support them," that's GREAT but will you stand up for them to get married. I see a vague in your message, "as they please." What is that? Will you say to your heterosexual friends, "as they please." Will you rejoice and celebrate that your gay friend is getting married?

Will love to hear from you with clarification on your recent message.
Nice.... so, will you stand up for them? Where would you stand on what ground? I don't care if anybody has a gay friend or a gay family member. It is becoming a little cliche already. "Support them," that's GREAT but will you stand up for them to get married. I see a vague in your message, "as they please." What is that? Will you say to your heterosexual friends, "as they please." Will you rejoice and celebrate that your gay friend is getting married?

Will love to hear from you with clarification on your recent message.


I know a lot of people that have this attitude. "Good for you! Okay, don't tell me anymore about it!" I can't help but feel a lot of these people are trying desperately to come across as accepting even though they know inside they have a hard time with the concept.

I know a lot of people that have this attitude. "Good for you! Okay, don't tell me anymore about it!" I can't help but feel a lot of these people are trying desperately to come across as accepting even though they know inside they have a hard time with the concept.

Nice Response. I know what you mean, I get this attitude, I roll my eyes. I would say, "Whatever. Good for ya! But my point is that you would stand up for someone with different belief." Lot of people have troubles commenting about their "friends."

I would rather have my TRUE friends who would stand up for me. I stand up for my Catholic friends - they tortured by another religion. I stand up for my transsexual friend, I stand up for her, I go out with her most times and push her to get a date. I stand up for my Jewish roommate, we celebrate Jewish holidays. So, if it comes to their marriage, I make sure it is a celebration. This goes with Gay friends.

Like your response, dude!
As stated above this is a support forum not a debate forum. On the chance that my answer might devolve this conversation into a debate I am choosing to respect alldeaf and it's mods by declining to answer your questions. As I also stated before, my presence in this thread is due to it being posted in current events originally. I request that my previous posts in this thread be ignored as they are not relevent in a support forum and were never intended for a support forum. :ty: and good luck to everyone.

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