Saddam to go on trial October 19, faces death penalty if found guilty

Nancy said:
faces death penalty if found guilty.

What method of dispatch would be appropriate for him. I suggest the quartering method.


He'll be found guilty, no doubt about it. ;-)

and how is it possible for someone to escape death penalty when he've been a dictaor for more than 30 years building secret rooms where they beat up cilivans to death, rape women, and shoot kids to death and bury them in the middle of nowhere and there are over like thousands and thousands, if millions possible of dead bodies found buried with no idenfition or of any kind but know that they were killed by the Iraqi soilders who worked for Saddam back then.
Iraq is pretty much one of the worst countries I dare not to visit including china and taiwan and even south Korea...
Iraq has finally been broken free at last but...would be it much better with Iraq's new prime minster around? who knows...while it's nice and all to free the Iraqi people but we've sure wasted alot of money on war and shit fighting for the wrong people and not even the afhaginstan and the search for bin laden ever since 9/11th. I know Saddam hates America, but I dont really know if he had any plans linked to 9/11th or not.
What a waste of time and money (and energy). What a CHARADE! He should be tied up in an ant hill and allowed to be watched by everyone in the world via t.v.

he WILL be found guilty!!!! give him the slowest method of death -- Latana's description sounds to be the best one!!!!!
There should be a worse punishment for him, tie him down, let everyone on earth kick him in the crotch, and then keep punishing him with something else..
Iraqi President Talabani has stated he will refuse to sign the death sentence if found guilty and that is the sentence given. This will be interesting. :popcorn:
cental34 said:
Iraqi President Talabani has stated he will refuse to sign the death sentence if found guilty and that is the sentence given. This will be interesting. :popcorn:
i would refuse too.. i rather see saddam suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer all his life till he die.. instead of put him in death penalty.
Death penalty would be too easy for him! I'd rather turn him into slave and suffer agony and pain! No humane pity for him!

DeafSCUBA98 said:
i would refuse too.. i rather see saddam suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer all his life till he die.. instead of put him in death penalty.
i rather the poeple give him all to suffer and rip him a new one hundred ways to sunday no he shldn't get solaidary confinement he shld be dating the men and getting a huge asshole!
Steel said:
that would be quite interesting if we actually seen that on TV getting his head chopped off like that :D

Put his head on the top of your computer monitor. You will enjoy to stare at his face every moment. :lol:
Put'em 3x8 cell room.. make'm suffer......

Cell'ers would be happy beat'em saddam's azz *whipp'n up* make'm suffer pain and cries more everyday... Non-stop. but looks cruel...

yes of course.. I do not like it but depends on the judge's decison what the best place for him... Not ours problem!
I do not support death penatly... I rather to see him suffer as long as he is alive than "put him sleep to save him suffer" like what the vet did with pets.