Sad news


Old Deaf Ranter
Premium Member
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all

This is Botti's family. She passed away last night in her sleep. This community was such a huge part of her life. I didn't know which part of the forum she was most active on so I'm hoping someone can make sure her friends here know.

Thank you all for making my mom happy for the last part of her life.

Oh, no! :(

My condolences to you, her family. Thank you for informing us at AD.

Thru her posts we know that she loved and enjoyed her family.

Botts was a huge contributor to AD discussions and will be greatly missed.
I am sorry your mother passed away. My condolences to you, Lauren. :(
I'm very surprised that she passed away today and she will be missed.

I enjoyed to chat with her on this forum and FB. :( :( :(
send you and your family a deeply sorrow and condolence of your mom. I enjoyed reading her posts for years.
I'm so sorry for you and your family, my sincere condolences
My condolences to Botts family during this difficult time. She is well known in the AllDeaf community and is greatly missed. :(
Hello Lauren, very kind of you to post this to let us know, am so sorry, peace and blessings! :-(
Botti was my friend...loved her very much. I just talked to her on FB 2 days ago...She was 1 of the most intelligent ladies I've ever known....I'm shocked and so very hurt to hear the News...may she rest in Peace and know she was loved very much....She will not be forgotten.
I'm saddened. She was clearly very bright, and loved her family dearly. She had a difficult road in life, but she was strong. I'm lucky to have known her. My condolences to her family.
Shocked by this sad, sad news. I hope her family can find some comfort in knowing how much we all loved Botti. She will be missed by so many. RIP my sweet friend.
Lauren, thank you for letting us know of Botti's passing; she was loved here and will be missed. My condolences to you and the rest of your family....
I received this notification when I was on way to restaurant at Logan's, then went to bar for Class of 2006 reunion, so I was surprised and saddened after read about Botti. I feel very heartbroken because she is very supportive of me and I thanked to her for helping me a lot. :( :( :(
I'm shocked to hear about her passing. My condolences to family and friends. She was very nice lady!
So sad to read this...:(. I didn't know Botti as long as many here. She and I did butt heads in the beginning but I grew to admire and respect her. I don't know if she felt the same way but do know we made peace and bonded a little regarding some things.

May she find peace and happiness. My sympathies to her husband, daughter (don't know if there are other siblings) and grandchildren....

She will definitely be missed here- there will be a big hole at AD...