Sad announcement to say Part 2


Active Member
Mar 2, 2005
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I regret to tell ya all that my mom Maria has peacefully passed away today on January 25th in town... she passed away with me and my 3rd brother and his wife present... my 2 other brothers and my sister arrived after that and now my mom finally is joining my dad in heaven and in peace.... Mom was 66 and she will be missed very much by all, especially me.. but I am happy that Mom has found the peace she needed to go onto more things and join Dad who awaits her as well... prayers will be said Jan 28th and funeral will be Jan 29th ... so it is all over finally for my parents and especially me and I can move on with my life for good... thanks to all who read this and I'm sure ya all will be saddened more by this..

I will be online but please do respect my request to be alone with my family for a bit and then I will resume my normal yapping.. for some of ya that have my sn on AIM, ya might wanna know this, I cannot get my aim to work anymore due to ZoneAlarm that might be interfering with AIM going on... so I will be on MSN for now till otherwise....
Aww I am sorry to hear that your mom is passed away :(.. You just glad that your mom is just found to be a peace with your dad. I am sure your mom will be happy to meet your dad again in the heaven :).

:hug: I hope you going to be okay in few days. :)
Awwwww Northstar, I'm sooo sorry to hear that...*sigh* I feel so bad for you come here :hug:...

If you ever need to talk, IM me anytime
Oh I'm soooo sorry about the loss of your mother. :( its so sudden with your father's passing and now your mother. I know that has got to be hard! My thoughts are with you. :hug:
My condolences, man but as you said, she's in a happier place now. She will also reside in your heart, alongside your Dad for the rest of your days.
oh man... i am very sowwy abt that... i know it hard on u that parents are in heaven.. they are not suffer anymore, they are happy right now.. they watch all over u and ur family.. :hug:
So sorry to hear bout ur mom passing away but at least she in peace and now with ur dad. My deepest sympathy goes out to u and ur family at times like this after losing both parents within such a short time.

Remmy take ur time during ur grieving and come back when ur ready. My thoughts are with u always. Take care Northstar.
Oh My - I am deeply sorry to learn that your mother has passed away and now she can rest in peace after a long suffering. It's got to be hard losing both of them in a short time but at the same time, it is understandable that you want to have some time alone to yourself. My boyfriend also sends his condolences to you too.

If you need a friend to talk to, You know where to get a hold of us. Again, my deepest sympathy goes to you :hug:
i am SO sorry to hear that NS.. You and your family are in my prayer!! You have friends and family around you to be with you. Your AD friends here are with you in the spirit 110%!! Hang in there hun. :hug:
I'm very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. :hug: I can emphasize with what you're going through. I lost my father in 1999, my sister in 2001 and my mother in 2004.

Here's a poem a friend sent me after the death of my father. I hope it brings you some comfort. :hug:

Never Alone
by Rodney Belcher
I feel you in the morning
When at first I awake
Your thought is with me
With each decision I make

You'd been around forever
Since the first breath I took
Now I have to go on alone
But for love, I need not look

Cause by what you bestowed
In our short time together
Will last in my heart
Forever and ever

Although you've left
And now walk above
I'm never alone
I'm wrapped in your love

Enjoy now your long waited reward
Feel peace that your love continues on
What was taught to me, will be taught to mine
Cause you live on in me even after you've gone
Wow, Beginning 2007 surely rough on u, i'm deeply sympathy for u with this path, i'm sure they want u to be strong and stay togther as family. I hopefully afterward, would be a great year for u.
I am sorry to hear that ur mother had passed away but then she is in peace now with your father together again. So keep that in mind, ok. :)

I will keep ya and your family in my thoughts and my prayers and hope you will get thru the difficult times ahead.. :hug:
Ohh Man!!

I am so sorry, NS... please accept my sympthy and u and all ur family are in my prayers and thoughs... At least ur mother have finally found peace and gone to her beloved husband in the heaven... May God blesses to ur heart to be strong and move on with ur new life for this year! Gosh, it is now starting 2007 new life for u... oh my gosh!!

Please we all do understand that u need more time for urself as well as with ur family so go spend times as much as u want! We all be here whenever u are ready to come back!!

Be strong! :hug:
Hey NS,
I'm sorry deeply coledences out for you... Your father is happy see his wife meet together and gone to heaven w/Jesus' hand. Their peace together....

Take your time until when r u ready settled and come back here...

*hugs* to you dearly!
NS, I am sorry about the passing of your mother. She is now resting in peace and joining your father together again. They both will be watching over you up in heaven. Hang in there and be strong. :hug:
oh no, i'm soo deeply sorry for your parents. my condonlcences goes out to u and ur family. *hugs* hang in there....
NS, hugsssss

I am feeling peaceful , this morning had a feeling about your mom, the day was soo gorgous here. I sure, hope you are okay, please don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything.. I am here for you .. I know you been through soo much in such a short period of time..Now, your mom is joined with her soul mate. The season has ended , you will always remember your parents and never forgotten. Take your time, I understand you need your time alone and think things over. May God give you strength to carry on, will keep you closely in prayer.