Russian Cops Beat Deaf Guys at Casino [VID]


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Saw this video of what seems to be deaf guys getting their ass kicked by Russian cops at a casino. Notice sign language being used in the video.

Crazy shit. :eek3:

Link: Russian Cops Ask Questions Later Video
Oh my goodness. They have no right to do that. It is crazy.

Well if you read the text, I think it's above the video screen, I am not sure but I know it says something like this "The cops are not messing up, those guys did beating to three other persons in casino to steal the prize."
I hate stupid cops in Russia. :mad: They are bad! Deaf people are good as innocent people. :(
I don't believe what I just saw. Unbelievable.

I nearly used colourful language here, but man... that was harsh. Really harsh.
Gee, why the hell did he do that for?...
*GASP!!!!* geez this Russian cops beat 3 deaf guys geez! but one the guy just showed him that he is deaf but punch into his face that is so WRONG! Russian police can be charge for that being beat deaf people that is so WRONG!
*GASP!!!!* geez this Russian cops beat 3 deaf guys geez! but one the guy just showed him that he is deaf but punch into his face that is so WRONG! Russian police can be charge for that being beat deaf people that is so WRONG!

I am agree with you! :h5:

:whip: F$#% at cops!
That is deplorable and despicable, even if these guys had done anything wrong prior to the cops intervening, there's no excuse for making a casino into a one-sided boxing ring. Some things, how they're handled is getting crazier and nuttier to the point of disgust that it's so pathetic and sad.

wow thats scare... I think all russian cops should be fired after all incident
I think russian cops work differently than cops in US do. I think they are allowed to beat up guys whether they are innocent or not.

I have watched another video on TV where russian cops beat up guys and I think even kill em if they are actually a kidnapper or whatever.

I am not too sure but yeah that totally sucks when he tried to show the paper and cop just punched him in the face.
Hmm... I noticed something.

None of the deaf guys gestured that they were deaf. If someone tries talking to you and you can't hear them, do you start signing? What if that person doesn't know what you're doing and thinks you're getting aggressive towards them? What you would do is point at your ear and shake your head in a "no" motion... possibly along with mouthing that you can't hear. Did any of the deaf guys in the video do that?

Also, the 3rd guy approached one of the officers during the beating. Everyone knows that you shouldn't approach a police officer when he/she is in the middle of an arrest or anything.

Sure, what the police did was pretty harsh and cruel... but who knows, it might have been different if the deaf people actually emphasized that they were deaf.
Actually, if you look closely... the second guy gestured that he cannot hear but he got punched in the face anyway.
Nothing to be speechless or shocked about; that's how law enforcement in Russia always has been; I think they were worse in the past, though...