Rush Limbaugh hospitalized...

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And you think no one would speak ill of Obama? LOL!

Not me but people here have spoken ill of Rush hoping he dies or the fact they take in the delight that he's in the hospital only because they disagree with what he says or believes in? That, to me, is a true hater with no conscious at all when they behave like that.
Only one person has said they hope Rush dies.

Keep spinning it...

When I say "people" it's in general and not specifically about those in AD. I've seen the responses.

So, are you saying that you hope that Rush recovers and wish for good health, and not die?
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Yes, I agreed with you, Kokonut. I'm not a hater type, but some conservatives do wish Obama die, too... its pretty much similar to liberals who wish Bush die. Its same thing... I remember when I was in HS, a few students I know who were really hate Bush and wish something so horrible to him.
Not me but people here have spoken ill of Rush hoping he dies or the fact they take in the delight that he's in the hospital only because they disagree with what he says or believes in? That, to me, is a true hater with no conscious at all when they behave like that.

You're building strawmen here, as usual, trying to make others look bad.

Only one person has said something to the effect of, "I hope he dies." And nobody has said they would be happy if he died.

The fact of the matter is, Rush Limbaugh reaps what he sows, and what he sows is contempt and animosity for many many many people in this country at one point or another. He's even attacked his own republican base enough times that many people in the party don't like him anymore either.

What people are saying is, they don't have empathy for him. And that is perfectly fine. He doesn't deserve it, because he's never given it.
When I say "people" it's in general and not specifically about those in AD. I've seen the responses.

So, are you saying that you hope that Rush recovers and wish for good health, and not die?

I am saying that I will not waste a second of my emotional energy wishing him anything. He's as important to me as a worm. If he recovers, then good for him. If not, life goes on.

Do I need to be more clear, or do I need to be a little less direct so you can spin the words around?
When I say "people" it's in general and not specifically about those in AD. I've seen the responses.

Okay, well you should be more clear about that.
I am saying that I will not waste a second of my emotional energy wishing him anything. He's as important to me as a worm. If he recovers, then good for him. If not, life goes on.

Do I need to be more clear, or do I need to be a little less direct so you can spin the words around?

So, is this a wish hoping he dies? Do you wish him to die? Yes or no?
And you think no one would speak ill of Obama? LOL!

Some would I am sure....But I wouldn't. I've got too much on my plate to hate. Also since Rush is not elected I think a more accurate example would be Carville, Colmes or Garafalo.......I rarely agree with anything they say but if they were sick I wouldn't celebrate
Well, that wasn't so hard now, Alex. Was it?

Then, as for AD, we have officially one true hater wishing for the death of Rush Limbaugh simply because of a political disagreement. That's pretty extreme and hateful. Only a sick pupy would say such things over politics.

As for others I'm not so sure since they weren't clear as to whether they hope he dies. Even being gleeful about him being in the hospital is almost just as bad as wishing him death. Are you rejoicing over Rush' hospitalization, Alex?
Some would I am sure....But I wouldn't. I've got too much on my plate to hate. Also since Rush is not elected I think a more accurate example would be Carville, Colmes or Garafalo.......I rarely agree with anything they say but if they were sick I wouldn't celebrate

A sign of common sense and sanity. Rejoicing over somebody's sickness or ill health isn't a smart thing to do. It's simply cruel and hateful.
Well, that wasn't so hard now, Alex. Was it?

Then, as for AD, we have officially one true hater wishing for the death of Rush Limbaugh simply because of a political disagreement. That's pretty extreme and hateful. Only a sick pupy would say such things over politics.

As for others I'm not so sure since they weren't clear as to whether they hope he dies. Even being gleeful about him being in the hospital is almost just as bad as wishing him death. Are you rejoicing over Rush' hospitalization, Alex?

Oh, so this is about me not being clear now? LOL at your condescension, but you've got to be a better troll than that if you want to roll with me, chump.

The opinion on my first post states the full extent of my feelings for Rush Limbaugh, and you should be able to extrapolate from that the answer to any question you might have of me regarding his hospitalization. I am not rejoicing. I don't rejoice in the suffering of others, even people I despise. I am also not sad for him. Or empathetic. At all. Should I feel either of those? Am I a bad person because I don't have empathy for someone who has repeatedly disrespected almost every demographic of the country's population with the notable exception of his own priveleged, wealthy white male subgroup; someone who has been shown to be without a doubt a complete hypocrite (Oxycontin anyone?), and someone who is, quite clearly, a traitor to this nation and its ideals.

You might be right that only a sick puppy would wish the death of someone over a political disagreement, but you'd better check who is at the front of the line for wishing ill will on people. Clue for you. First name starts with an R, last name starts with an L.
Rush never wished ill of Obama for his health or his family because of a political disagreement. Please provide a link to that.

Now, again, are you rejoicing that Rush health might be in danger and he was sent to the hospital? It's a simple yes or no answer. All I see is an attempt to evade this simple question. At least be honest in this respect.
The opinion on my first post states the full extent of my feelings for Rush Limbaugh, and you should be able to extrapolate from that the answer to any question you might have of me regarding his hospitalization. I am not rejoicing. I don't rejoice in the suffering of others, even people I despise. I am also not sad for him. Or empathetic. At all. Should I feel either of those? Am I a bad person because I don't have empathy for someone who has repeatedly disrespected almost every demographic of the country's population with the notable exception of his own priveleged, wealthy white male subgroup; someone who has been shown to be without a doubt a complete hypocrite (Oxycontin anyone?), and someone who is, quite clearly, a traitor to this nation and its ideals.

Please pay closer attention.
thewritealex, i don't think kokonut can afford to pay closer attention to you :(
Key word...condescension.......very well difined....yes so and so talks down to all us lowly deafies.
and makes demands of though he's winning somethingif we don't suck up to his demands.
chat sites are a place to make demands?
this guy is wrecking this site with narcassistic condescension.
shall I leave as instructed?....I think so and so is getting more hints to leave than I. it's very telling.

condescending snoot.
and yes I can damn well wish ill on anyone I's not a political disagreement....I think the man is a truly filthy bigot.

Oh, so this is about me not being clear now? LOL at your condescension, but you've got to be a better troll than that if you want to roll with me, chump.

The opinion on my first post states the full extent of my feelings for Rush Limbaugh, and you should be able to extrapolate from that the answer to any question you might have of me regarding his hospitalization. I am not rejoicing. I don't rejoice in the suffering of others, even people I despise. I am also not sad for him. Or empathetic. At all. Should I feel either of those? Am I a bad person because I don't have empathy for someone who has repeatedly disrespected almost every demographic of the country's population with the notable exception of his own priveleged, wealthy white male subgroup; someone who has been shown to be without a doubt a complete hypocrite (Oxycontin anyone?), and someone who is, quite clearly, a traitor to this nation and its ideals.

You might be right that only a sick puppy would wish the death of someone over a political disagreement, but you'd better check who is at the front of the line for wishing ill will on people. Clue for you. First name starts with an R, last name starts with an L.
Get well soon Rush Limbaugh! America needs you to keep us divided.
I don't care about him. He loves to talk bad mouth. I think that he learned his lesson to shut up his mouth and be nice to everyone and respect everyone when he gets out of the hospital.
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