Rush is moving to Costa Rica?

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ah.... $400 million for 8 years. Well... with dozens of sponsors dropping out... wondering how will they pay him.

His rating hasn't dropped.

For the fourth year in a row, Rush Limbaugh is the most influential radio talk show host, according to Talkers magazine.

Limbaugh draws at least 15 million listeners a week. He remains the top-rated show on 640/WGST-AM. He’s had a field day going after Pres. Obama and the Democrats this past year. And he continues to be influential without the benefit of Fox News, which has fueled the growth of No. 2 host Sean Hannity (14 million weekly radio fans and two to three million viewers per night on Fox News) and No. 3 host Glenn Beck (9 million-plus listeners on radio and two to three million viewers per night on Fox News).
Rush Limbaugh tops talk radio rankings as usual, Glenn Beck moves up | Radio & TV Talk
Jiro, if you want to see his ratings go down, then people need to vote in a conservative Congress in 2010 and then ultimately a conservative/Republican president in 2012.
If you want to see his ratings go down, vote in a conservative Congress in 2010 and then ultimately a conservative/Republican president in 2012.

We aren't talking about his ratings. His ratings are not an indication at all of his popularity across the board. They only indicate that he is popular with a minority of people who agree with his insanity. You are going to have to find another way to support the argument. Ratings don't do it.
That claim is actually extremely misleading when used to support his popularity. But it doesn't surprise me that his supporters engage in the same attempts to spin, manipulate, and manufacture that he himself does. It is to be expected. Which is exactly why his supporters carry no weight in his defense.

:roll: That's :lol: worthy. Disagreeing with him is one thing. Doubting his ratings another.....The man is popular there is no spin to that. When a person can't admit to the obvious it really hurts their credibility.
:roll: That's :lol: worthy. Disagreeing with him is one thing. Doubting his ratings another.....The man is popular there is no spin to that. When a person can't admit to the obvious it really hurts their credibility.

Again, you are confused. No one is disputing his ratings. What I am saying is that his ratings are not an indication of his overall popularity. They are only an indication that the fringe who watch him do so consistently. Just because he is popular with a few misguided individuals doesn't mean he is popular with the thinking faction of the U.S. The spin is in saying "He is popular." That statement has to be qualified by denoting who he is popular with. Hitler was a popular man, too.

Please read carefully and get the full meaning of the post prior to responding.
Exactly, TXgolf. Else the guy wouldn't be seeing a $400 million dollar contract if his ratings weren't in the number one or top spot on radio. One of his biggest audience or listeners is ironically liberals tuning in. Blame them.
Exactly, TXgolf. Else the guy wouldn't be seeing a $400 million dollar contract if his ratings weren't in the number one or top spot on radio. One of his biggest audience or listeners is ironically liberals tuning in. Blame them.

Again, you are failing to qualify. Those ratings only apply to radio listeners. Surveys indicate that the majority of radio listeners are senior citizens, have been educated only to the high school level, and generally are not well informed regarding political issues. We already know he is popular with that demographic. The ratings still don't give the entire picture. Nice attempt to manipulate numbers, but it isn't working.
Exactly, TXgolf. Else the guy wouldn't be seeing a $400 million dollar contract if his ratings weren't in the number one or top spot on radio. One of his biggest audience or listeners is ironically liberals tuning in. Blame them.

with a handful of sponsors gone... the company's probably regretting signing him for 8 years... sooner or later.
Again, you are confused. No one is disputing his ratings. What I am saying is that his ratings are not an indication of his overall popularity. They are only an indication that the fringe who watch him do so consistently. Just because he is popular with a few misguided individuals doesn't mean he is popular with the thinking faction of the U.S. The spin is in saying "He is popular." That statement has to be qualified by denoting who he is popular with. Hitler was a popular man, too.

Please read carefully and get the full meaning of the post prior to responding.

I understand perfectly. You hate Rush.
Again, you are failing to qualify. Those ratings only apply to radio listeners. Surveys indicate that the majority of radio listeners are senior citizens, have been educated only to the high school level, and generally are not well informed regarding political issues. We already know he is popular with that demographic. The ratings still don't give the entire picture. Nice attempt to manipulate numbers, but it isn't working.

Sounds elitist to me. You are entitled to your opinion......I try to avoid looking down on other for their opinions, even when I totally disagree
Again, you are failing to qualify. Those ratings only apply to radio listeners. Surveys indicate that the majority of radio listeners are senior citizens, have been educated only to the high school level, and generally are not well informed regarding political issues. We already know he is popular with that demographic. The ratings still don't give the entire picture. Nice attempt to manipulate numbers, but it isn't working.


Most people watch YouTube, listen to podcasts and such nowadays; not the radio.
Jiro, if you want to see his ratings go down, then people need to vote in a conservative Congress in 2010 and then ultimately a conservative/Republican president in 2012.

No I don't want to see his ratings go down or up because I don't care about it.

but if your political decision is influenced by Limbaugh... and if you wish the majority of voters' decisions are influenced by Limbaugh....

uh-oh............................. better make Part II thread
I understand perfectly. You hate Rush.

No, I don't hate him. I simply have no use for him. I think the is a hypocritical who sees a chance to make some money off of other's ignorance. He has no sense of ethics what so ever.
Sounds elitist to me.

How so? It is simply fact. Nothing elitist about it. No one has made a judgement. It is simply a fact of demographics.

I see you edited. Wait....weren't you looking down on someone just a few minutes ago when you said something about people wishing Rush dead?
Sounds elitist to me.

curious - does it make me elitist if I give a scornful look at people who claim to be a proud patriotic citizen with flag hanging out of their front porch.... and not know basic American history?
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