Rules in Deaf culture?

Leave when you need to leave. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to make any excuses, whether they're excuses or not. Simply say something like "I have to go to "such and such place" and if you should get questioned (which they shouldn't, because then that'd be rude on THEIR part), you can simply say that you have something to take care of. Even if it's something as simple as dinner, lunch, your MIL, the cats, whatever. You don't need to explain it. I won't let people corner me into giving explanations when it's none of their business. If I want/need to go, I'll go. You are so sweet, Kristina, to worry about others thinking you are rude. But really, you do what you need to do.
Thank you Botti and Alley Cat. I really wanted to make sure I wasn't being rude at all. They are a great bunch of people and I would hate to ruin any of the friendships I am making.
Thank you Botti and Alley Cat. I really wanted to make sure I wasn't being rude at all. They are a great bunch of people and I would hate to ruin any of the friendships I am making.

you mistake on fault, protect to boudarie! that is why!

I understand you feeling mistake jump easy exciting because mistake happened!
As usual wise advice from Bottesini-consider.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Agreed Bottesini offers wise advice. Cheers.

Relax in the Rocking Chair with a huge pitcher of Iced tea.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I also am learning a lot from the advice given to your question Kristina, thanks for asking. :)
:wave:Is the above #109- the ultimate of "Deaf culture"friendliness?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
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:wave:Is the above #109- the ultimate of "Deaf culture"friendliness?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

please enough because again alldeaf give up because protect to!

annoy to member

sound personal your zip! images silly pretend

I guess your problem many time often i Understand your many confused I already your investiage to your posts seems actually kids I believe it

Please grow up because appropriate to otherwise attention! not attention not stubborn or childself attitude behavior!
no more talk once time
:wave:Is the above #109- the ultimate of "Deaf culture"friendliness?

Actually, I am telling you to shut up because you are being rude and inconsiderate toward my friends, Mrs. Bucket and her husband.
:wave:Is the above #109- the ultimate of "Deaf culture"friendliness?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

No. It's telling you to shut your freaking mouth and put a hold on your typing fingers. You have already pissed people off talking about Mrs. B and things that are none of your concern. You are being rude, unthinking, insensitive, and a complete horse's ass by continuing. Nothing friendly about it. Friendliness doesn't work with people like you.
This has to be the most ridiculous thread I have ever seen. It's like watching recess. The guy makes one comment, not even a bad comment, about something that has already posted and now he is the villian.....what a joke. Nobody gets Oreos after naptime.
Guess you missed Mrs. B's reaction to the whole ordeal. She was very upset, as was her husband. And it is her call to make.
Guess you missed Mrs. B's reaction to the whole ordeal. She was very upset, as was her husband. And it is her call to make.

Yeah I saw that......How exactly was Dr Phil to know that wasn't public info....he read it on AD before he posted it. It's not like he made a negative comment about it I can see why she would be mad at the Facebook friends who posted it here though.
Yeah I saw that......How exactly was Dr Phil to know that wasn't public info....he read it on AD before he posted it. It's not like he made a negative comment about it I can see why she would be mad at the Facebook friends who posted it here though.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that you don't talk about what is not yours to talk about. Especially when he used it as an excuse not to take an action.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that you don't talk about what is not yours to talk about. Especially when he used it as an excuse not to take an action.

:lol: Sounded like he was being considerate of the new arrivals to me *shrug*
The mother and father of the new arrivals see it differently. And it is their call to make.

Consensus here is that it was completely innapropriate.
TXgolfer- welcome to another episode of the "deaf twilight zone". Even Rod Serling would be amazed!
If the above is "real" on computer screens --what is the reality with actual persons forming the "Deaf/.deaf/DEAF" community/local discussions?

I have stated I am NOT part of Facebook-seems irrelevant-notwithstanding.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07