Romney bullying past?

own your waste problem add news troubles serious, I don't involives your news! I avoid

Good luck!! you have troubles news fault! too much on around everyday weeks pretty news agains!
More yawn.

The media tends to sensationalize because it attracts viewers or sells papers.

I'd bet they'd attract even more viewers or sell more papers if they combine both people but too bad they'd rather focus on one person at a convenient time called "election year."
Wirelessly posted

Really? I admit that I did pranks and picked on a person when I was a child. *gasp*. I even called someone a stupid head when I was in preschool. Oh crap. There goes my career!!! :roll:

. Something I do not condone now since my frontal lobe is developed and I have learned compassion and empathy.
You did see post #5 by the OP?

Um ... dude, seriously, get lost.

This is what I said:

"Something that happened more than 40 years ago? At least he apologized."

That's a first big clue.

2nd clue in post #5:

A non-story that happened 47 years ago. Lots of navel gazing. They were high school hijinks, a time when young people did stupid things. At least Romney apologized, Obama hasn't.

Doesn't take much brainpower to figure it out. My post #1 was an easy clue. At least Steinhauer got it right.

Yes, I did. Not any idea why MM won't report on Obama self-damning words on page #93? Probably because they don't want to televise nor publish anything negative about Obama. Their double standard stink to high heaven.