Road Rage

I even honked my car that is only becuze the driver is trying to merge into highway where there is a sign said RED yield sign. They just dont want to make a stop and wait for the traffic to be clear. I always stop and make sure it is clear before I go. I see it alot like that. GRRRRR See I live off the highway.
I don't drive at all.. whew but I did flipped bird at idiot drivers.. that doesn't watch out when I am trying to cross.. sheesh anyway otherwise than that things are going good for now lol
I travel and hour and half.. one way so total of 3 hours a day back and forth to and from school. I cross the Buckman Bridge daily. Everyday, I see it. Road rage and idiot drivers. Yes, it is everywhere seems people are more quick to be violent and actually confront each other with guns or other weapons. Some even ram their cars on purpose to cause the other vehicles to wreck.
I even honked my car that is only becuze the driver is trying to merge into highway where there is a sign said RED yield sign. They just dont want to make a stop and wait for the traffic to be clear. I always stop and make sure it is clear before I go. I see it alot like that. GRRRRR See I live off the highway.

You know, whenever I visit the USA, especially the New York state, people there often fail to yield. However, what's strange is that some treat the Yield sign as if it's a stop sign when the traffic is completely clear.
Around here, no one pays attention to the street signs half the time. Road rage isn't really bad where I drive, but I hear it's terrible on the interstate. We do have the idiots that zip in and out of traffic and those idiots that think the bicycle lane is for parking or passing. We have motorcycles that use the bicycle lane and their argument is that they are two wheels just like a bike. Then, there are the scary fools who ride their motorized wheelchairs or scooters in the bike lane on a 6 lane divided roadway in town.
Around here, no one pays attention to the street signs half the time. Road rage isn't really bad where I drive, but I hear it's terrible on the interstate. We do have the idiots that zip in and out of traffic and those idiots that think the bicycle lane is for parking or passing. We have motorcycles that use the bicycle lane and their argument is that they are two wheels just like a bike. Then, there are the scary fools who ride their motorized wheelchairs or scooters in the bike lane on a 6 lane divided roadway in town.

Never forget one of my friends...her car broke down, so she drove her scooter to work on the expressway.....She got a ticket! Was late to work again (twice in one week) and got suspended 3 days.

After having a bad accident with a Semi Truck, I avoid the expressways as much as I can...take the back roads, even if it's the longer route.
Never forget one of my friends...her car broke down, so she drove her scooter to work on the expressway.....She got a ticket! Was late to work again (twice in one week) and got suspended 3 days.

After having a bad accident with a Semi Truck, I avoid the expressways as much as I can...take the back roads, even if it's the longer route.

Amen to the bolded!!
I cannot understand it either. I know that it is not worth weaving in traffic and passing so many cars. In the end you save just two minutes, and really, what difference does that make?

It makes absolutely no sense, especially in light of risking your life and the lives of others to shave a couple minutes off your drive time.
You know, whenever I visit the USA, especially the New York state, people there often fail to yield. However, what's strange is that some treat the Yield sign as if it's a stop sign when the traffic is completely clear.

And these people had to pass both written and road tests.:hmm:
The last time i seen road rage was like..... 2 years ago?

see your point, minor rages are common but full blown gone mental on the killing mode is seldom but its starting to happen wee more frequent, only *more* frequent is because the media does a good job of manipulating the *fact*, - so newsworthy so it becomes the *in* things for the gulliable audiences...i too have a theory on such thing, which *seems* to have similar patterns, that is the more it exposed on the news the more lilkely it will occur as more people are programmed to be subscious copycats...

anyone disagree? bet there will be afew of you might with this one!
I used to be in traffic jams all the time when I was a landscaper in Columbus,Ohio. I traveled all over on highways. I dont understand road rages at all.
I used to be in traffic jams all the time when I was a landscaper in Columbus,Ohio. I traveled all over on highways. I dont understand road rages at all.

people are getting more immature these days, in the days of fast food, fast products, fast results, fast marketing in general, because of that people forgotten the bloody important and simple concepts like; patience, forbearance, tolerance, lenience, and even good fellowship as citizens. Love is dissappearing from this world.
people are getting more immature these days, in the days of fast food, fast products, fast results, fast marketing in general, because of that people forgotten the bloody important and simple concepts like; patience, forbearance, tolerance, lenience, and even good fellowship as citizens. Love is dissappearing from this world.

Yup, Everyone wants results now and is always in a hurry.
I see it almost daily...people thinking it's always "me, me, me!"....Or their time is more important than your get out of the way! Even in construction zones, where you have to merge into one lane and of course, cars in the other lane *should* take turns to let other people in.....every other car.....but ahhh. NO!...Even at gated communities, I've had cars zoom by me in the exit gate, they're too lazy to enter the entrance gate or have been denied entrance and barely miss me by inches!

Twice, when I was attempting to enter a gated community and had to press the number on the keyboard at the gate, this truck behind me, the man was yelling "Open the F---ing Gate!"...Right on my son told me that the man was cursing at me and he was a little scared. Well, I got out of my car and walked over to the man's truck and told him..."take it easy, sir!...I'm new to this and the gate will open as soon as my friend approves me to enter, and I'm sorry for your delay"....the man was drunk...and soon as the gate opened, I went to the Property Manager's office and reported it. They have videos of people entering and leaving the property...I haven't seen that truck since!