RIT beats Gally in Halo3

Oh, congrat to RIT.

I'm big fan of Gally. :)
ohh man if my team were there for sure whip rit n gally for real... ha
we in austin community college.....we are MLG..

RIT students are also MLG. It depends on what you consider "MLG"... I consdier anyone in the ACTUAL MLG Pro Circuits or tournaments/events 'MLG". If you are not in the circuit and on Gamebattles, I wouldn't call myself MLG, but rather a fan and supporter of MLG.

You can challenge the RIT/DDT Halo3 team, contact Frozen at Deafgamersonline.com. I'm curious how you do aganist them. If you are truly an MLG team, post a link to the team. I don't take MLG lightly, so I would like to see proof.