Oddball said:Fine me on Ringo.com I added "Oddball" in case you want to add me to your circle of buddies. Smiles
Oddball said:Fine me on Ringo.com I added "Oddball" in case you want to add me to your circle of buddies. Smiles
bbnt said:I thought your nick name on Ringo was douche bag?
bbnt said:I thought your nick name on Ringo was douche bag?
Lasza said:Really??? Thought most douche bag are belong to MsGiglz. hmmmm
Lasza said:Really??? Thought most douche bag are belong to MsGiglz. hmmmm
BABYGIRL60628 said:Hi,
Please join my network of friends on Ringo.com
Ringo is a private community of friends and friends of friends, by clicking on the link below you will be taken to my personal joining page:
I look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards.
Fly Free said:Waz -- im already on Ringo.com myself and this gotta be what the 4th thread created ref to Ringo!!!! LOL
Fly Free said:http://www.alldeaf.com/showthread.php?t=5591
those are the 3 i could find ref to Ringo.com