Ride bikes to school?

My daughter rides her bike with my grandson, so he doesn't ride to school alone. She enjoys the fresh air and exercise.

You don't understand. too many sex offender around. Every year sex offender tried kidnap kids in our area. But Lucky girls or boys made it to school or neigbbor's house. that why I don't allow my son ride bike to school. No matter what if alone or with someone. Sex offender would still grab one of them. Understand? I am protecting my son. okay

check out website. Family Watchdog Testimonials
You don't understand. too many sex offender around. Every year sex offender tried kidnap kids in our area. But Lucky girls or boys made it to school or neigbbor's house. that why I don't allow my son ride bike to school. No matter what if alone or with someone. Sex offender would still grab one of them. Understand? I am protecting my son. okay

check out website. Family Watchdog Testimonials

Yup, I agree with you.
You don't understand. too many sex offender around. Every year sex offender tried kidnap kids in our area. But Lucky girls or boys made it to school or neigbbor's house. that why I don't allow my son ride bike to school. No matter what if alone or with someone. Sex offender would still grab one of them. Understand? I am protecting my son. okay
My daughter is 33 years old, and she's my grandson's mom.

If kids aren't safe with their own parents, then where are they safe?
My daughter is 33 years old, and she's my grandson's mom.

If kids aren't safe with their own parents, then where are they safe?

I don't want argue with you. okay? Just respect my way that I don't allow my son ride a bike to school. I chose to drive or walk with him but walking or riding bike are not possible to go school because too far. okay? Please don't bring anything up. okay?
I don't want argue with you. okay? Just respect my way that I don't allow my son ride a bike to school. I chose to drive or walk with him but walking or riding bike are not possible to go school because too far. okay? Please don't bring anything up. okay?
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything. I know that not everyone can bike to school because many schools are too far away, or don't have safe bike paths. I'm just trying to explain how my family does it, and that it can be done safely. I didn't want people to think that my grandson rides to school alone.

I thought you were saying that kids aren't even safe riding with their parents. If I misunderstood your post, I apologize.
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything. I know that not everyone can bike to school because many schools are too far away, or don't have safe bike paths. I'm just trying to explain how my family does it, and that it can be done safely. I didn't want people to think that my grandson rides to school alone.

I thought you were saying that kids aren't even safe riding with their parents. If I misunderstood your post, I apologize.

You misunderstand that you thought I was talking about kids aren't even safe riding with their parents. I accept your apologize. I was talking about my son and my reasons. okay?
You misunderstand that you thought I was talking about kids aren't even safe riding with their parents. I accept your apologize. I was talking about my son and my reasons. okay?
OK. :)
Students rides their bike to school or anywhere are very common here in Germany...