Rhinoplasty For Partial Deaferers


New Member
May 16, 2016
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Hey ppl....feeling great to be the part of AD. I hope I can join all the discussions out here.
Last year, in an accident I lost my auditory ability of left ear, hence I've become partial deaf. Being partial deaf is not the end of story...right??
Recently I was planning to have rhinoplasty surgery from Dr. Oakley Smith's cosmetic surgery clinic in Toronto. Is it possible for me to have this nose job with this medical condition? I feel pretty much embarrassed to ask the same to the surgeon? I hope you guys can understand me well.
I don't see why not. It won't affect your hearing (or lack thereof). If you have a good rapport with the surgeon, can't hurt to ask. He can put your mind at ease at least.

Had to chuckle a little at the title-- Deaferers... whaaa?
Welcome:) and no I do not think a surgery of any kind will affect your ears, so all surgeries should be safe
I don't see how the two are connected?
Did the accident cause any damage that would pose contraindications for any nasal/sinus procedures?

Have you had an ENT consult to rule out any structural changes/issues the accident may have caused (of course this would be dependent on the nature of the accident).