Retro Communication


Brady lady
Premium Member
Mar 11, 2005
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Here's a little flashback on mobile devices, what was your retro mobile device back in the day. I can start

<---- I had a numeric pager that look similar to this.. it could only handle numbers. we used to do 07734 for "hello" upside down
my first B&W cellphone

my first color cell phone
I don't have a pix because I don't quite remember what it was called. It was a Motorola, that's for sure. It would let you send and receive a very basic text, and that was it. Oy!
FF, I remember those too funny:lol:
I don't have a pix because I don't quite remember what it was called. It was a Motorola, that's for sure. It would let you send and receive a very basic text, and that was it. Oy!

it sounds like what i posted it and check it out. if not, then i am not sure what other pager did you had one.
it sounds like what i posted it and check it out. if not, then i am not sure what other pager did you had one.

I clicked on your link, and it looks quite similar. There's something different about it though and I'm not sure what it is. But you and I probably had very similar ones! :)