Results from recheck on hearing

You're lucky. I mean its great when someone who has "classic" (ie sight, hearing, and mobilty) disabilites can really acheive with minimal accomondations.
However I didn't get proper accomondations til I was in college. Did you ever go through thinking that you were the only dhh kid in the world? did you go through the social emotional issues? I gotta say I really think that I would have done better in a split placement sort of deal (part time at a deaf program and part time at a mainstream school)
I never got the feeling I was the only HOH/deaf kid in the world. Yeah I got lonely but I knew and felt that there were others out there like me. I really didn't go through social issues. I did go through issues like why me, why should I have the disability and not somebody else. I quickly got over that when I realize that what I have is a gift and that no one else has my experience or view points due to my disability.
Have you talked to your college disability office? They can help with interpreters, class notes, information from professors. I am a Biology major too and didn't use a interpreter for my first semester - big mistake. Then with my HAs I couldn't follow discussion or lecture and was lost. I didn't want to use the disablility office or interpretor because pride and wanted to be independent. I was independent failure almost. :Oops: Now I meet with professors with a interpretor, use interpretor for class, get notes for some classes etc.

Now my hearing is much worse too and I stop using my HAs because I can't understand conversation anyway. I know "I want to cry" and "I hate this". Before I didn't hear great with conversation, but now understanding is impossible and I avoid somethings. I know how hard is this problem too. :hug:
However I didn't get proper accomondations til I was in college. Did you ever go through thinking that you were the only dhh kid in the world? did you go through the social emotional issues? I gotta say I really think that I would have done better in a split placement sort of deal (part time at a deaf program and part time at a mainstream school)

Sorry for offtopic for LadyCassia, but DeafDyke: YES! I thought I was the only HoH/deaf kid! Then I had a interpretor/teacher's aid who knew another deaf kid, but before I didn't know anyone. But I also didn't understand really "hearing" like "I could hear him breathing", "I heard the geese up in the sky", or "I heard the house make funny noise". I thought my family was joking - breathing (not panting)? the house? birds way up? breathing? Seemed like a funny joke like "Wow! I hear the tree burp!". :laugh2: So both ways - none are deaf/HoH and all are deaf/HoH a little.

Back to topic for LadyCassia. :)
Have you talked to your college disability office? They can help with interpreters, class notes, information from professors. I am a Biology major too and didn't use a interpreter for my first semester - big mistake. Then with my HAs I couldn't follow discussion or lecture and was lost. I didn't want to use the disablility office or interpretor because pride and wanted to be independent. I was independent failure almost. :Oops: Now I meet with professors with a interpretor, use interpretor for class, get notes for some classes etc.

Now my hearing is much worse too and I stop using my HAs because I can't understand conversation anyway. I know "I want to cry" and "I hate this". Before I didn't hear great with conversation, but now understanding is impossible and I avoid somethings. I know how hard is this problem too. :hug:

I have talked to the ADA. I have notetakers in class. As for interpreters, I don't think my hearing is that bad yet. I am currently wearing the FM system in class, which is helping a lot.

You reminded me to email my audi about the CI. TY.