Respect and Communication between hearing and Deaf

gnulinuxman said:
Well, I can offer an explanation (just an explanation, not an excuse) for why hearing people are that way. The truth is hearing people are brought up believing it is wrong or rude to ask people to write things down. I don't know why. I don't think that way, though. :dunno:
You might have been brought up that way, to me it's not the case. I have no problem using paper and pen as a means of communication.

LuciaDisturbed did mention that the people that react like that are hearing people that try to learn sign. That's why they don't want to have things written down. (Which is silly, since it will help them learn...)
Cloggy said:
LuciaDisturbed did mention that the people that react like that are hearing people that try to learn sign. That's why they don't want to have things written down. (Which is silly, since it will help them learn...)

As a language student, I tend to prefer to struggle now and then - if I can get the native speaker to bring me along and explain it to me in the target language, that helps a lot. That said, there's a point where you just have to abandon ship and go with the learner's native language. (Writing in generalities because this has been my experience with learning spoken languages as well as visual ones).
ismi said:
As a language student, I tend to prefer to struggle now and then - if I can get the native speaker to bring me along and explain it to me in the target language, that helps a lot. That said, there's a point where you just have to abandon ship and go with the learner's native language. (Writing in generalities because this has been my experience with learning spoken languages as well as visual ones).

Making effort brings its own rewards of course. Taking a stance whereby you refuse to communicate unless it comes via YOUR perferences is quite pointless, and of course wrong. People would never have learnt French/German or other languages if either party had refused to make attempts, find ways, the sign user HAS to make more effort, and knowing as we do, they ARE very able people, there's no real excuse, I find most deaf these days very GOOD communicators.

Perhaps the mind-set is wrong ? I've rarely if ever found, hearing people shrugging me off, when I have tried alternatives, if you show willing they do. Deaf people are TOO fond of each other ! but if you are not going to go that extra mile, then get out of the access area, and stop wasting our and mainstream/hearing time. A few bad experiences don't represent the entire issue, move on, move out. People see you making effort they become interested in our need, it is a win-win situation.
Cheri said:
signer16 said it very well. Thanks! ;)

Properly positioned lighting helps with seeing lip reading clearly too. It's hard to read lips in the dark. :giggle:

About 20 yrs ago I was stopped by a cop at night. He used his flashlight to shine at my face while he was talking to me. I told him I'm deaf and read lips. He moved his fashlight to shine his face so I can read lips. Then back to shine at my face while I was talking. He kept back and forth like if he was using as microphone. Ha ha. He gave up and let me go. While he was walking back to his car, he shaked his head. Ha ha. I mentioned to my old neighbors about it. One night I went to my neighbor's party in their back yard at night. Several neighbors brought their flashlights with them for our communication. Isn't it sweet of them?
The first time I saw a deaf person I was around 9...they live down the road from my grandparents...Tell you the truth I was kinda scare of them...for I had never seen anyone like them....But I see the wife quite offen now...she a very nice lady..that I feel like we have become friends,,.I think the hearing and deaf world can learn alot from each other if we work together...I know there are some out there who want try...I was kinda afraid to join this forum..for I thought the deaf on here wouldnt want me I just kept coming back here and reading what was I decided I wanted to join this group,,..and I hope to learn more from you and you guys from me...I guess I was just thinking with my fingers.,, if I offended anyone I am sorry...thanks for listening...
hobo said:
The first time I saw a deaf person I was around 9...they live down the road from my grandparents...Tell you the truth I was kinda scare of them...for I had never seen anyone like them....But I see the wife quite offen now...she a very nice lady..that I feel like we have become friends,,.I think the hearing and deaf world can learn alot from each other if we work together...I know there are some out there who want try...I was kinda afraid to join this forum..for I thought the deaf on here wouldnt want me I just kept coming back here and reading what was I decided I wanted to join this group,,..and I hope to learn more from you and you guys from me...I guess I was just thinking with my fingers.,, if I offended anyone I am sorry...thanks for listening...


That was very nice of you to say that. You didn't say anything even remotely close to offending anyone and, as a hoh person (hard-of-hearing), you're more than welcome to join in on the fun here! :)

By the way, if you ever met me in person, hobo, you would find that, not only do I wear two bte hearing aids (bte stands for behind the ear), but my speech is almost impeccible and I have a hearing dog named Snickers.