Republican Senator Comes Out In Support of Gay Marriage

If he said "Well, fuck you...." then that would be too offensive but he said "fuck it" meaning he is emphasizing on how he feels about the situation. Maybe he should have said..."Well, fudge it!"
Most of us have no issue whatsoever with someone saying "fuck".

I understand you think it's profanity. Why? When growing up, I only learned that certain words were "bad" because adults didn't like them. As I got older, I learned that certain words were profane because they were being used to describe someone or something in terms that was both derogatory to whatever it was describing (because of the tone of voice and way it was being used) *and* to another entire class of people (women and homosexuals come to mind, when referring to "pussy", "cunt", "whore", "slut", "gay", "fag", etc). I agree that these terms are negative and should be avoided, though more because of the latter half (the classes of people that using the words as insults is demeaning towards).

However, then there's an entire class of expletive profanity. Like saying "Damn!", "Shit!" or "Fuck!" merely as a way to express extremely strong emotions, but the words themselves (with the exception of "shit", though most people can clearly tell you're not referring to human excrement at all) appear to only be inherently distasteful because... uh... well, that's just the thing. They doesn't appear to be any reason. People just think it's wrong "just because".

Are you kidding? I can't think of the last time I've heard any politician say "fuck", especially in an official interview.

Yep, the underlying message is excellent (your point #2 especially). But I pose my above questions to Reba to you, too. Why not say fuck?

How about Joe Biden!!
even in heated debates in here - I don't swear "fuck"
I'm happy about this for 2 reasons:
1) obvious reason: support for gay people.
2) Shows that just because you are a Republican/Democrat does not mean you have to pigeonhole yourself to fit into the stereotype (repubs = conservative and dems = liberal)

But... I do agree with Reba... Why t f does he have to use the f word??? ;) Seriously, that was unnecessary.

May have been unnecessary, but has become acceptable language. Language changes...just because you didn't hear the "f" bomb dropped constantly 30 years ago doesn't mean it retains the same level of use or acceptability today.
Wow! A Repub comes out in favor of gay rights and the whole focus is on the fact that he said "fuck it!" And also in support of non-partisan policy on issues affecting human rights.

How about the fact that it is definately a move forward for the conservatives of this country?
Wow! A Repub comes out in favor of gay rights and the whole focus is on the fact that he said "fuck it!" And also in support of non-partisan policy on issues affecting human rights.

How about the fact that it is definately a move forward for the conservatives of this country?
How about the fact that not all conservatives see his action as a move forward?
How about the fact that not all conservatives see his action as a move forward?

And? I don't see where anyone suggested that all do. But when one is forward thinking enough to put aside partisanship in favor of human rights, it is a move forward. We are aware that you don't support the rights of gays to marry, so it is pretty much a given that not all conservatives see his position as a move forward. You seem to be more concerned with his language that his position on human rights.
... You seem to be more concerned with his language that his position on human rights.
No more than anyone else who responded.

If that's anything for you to be concerned about.
No more than anyone else who responded.

If that's anything for you to be concerned about.

I appreciate the fact that the message is positive. Doesn't bother me that there was an expletive in there at all.

Looks like the thread took a severe right turn at about post 3 where message was ignored and language became the issue.
Wow! A Repub comes out in favor of gay rights and the whole focus is on the fact that he said "fuck it!" And also in support of non-partisan policy on issues affecting human rights.

How about the fact that it is definately a move forward for the conservatives of this country?

I guess some people wanted some distractions from important issues.
I appreciate the fact that the message is positive. Doesn't bother me that there was an expletive in there at all.

Looks like the thread took a severe right turn at about post 3 where message was ignored and language became the issue.
An issue? It was a simple statement. Oh, that's right, I didn't clear it first with the powers that be. My grievous error. Horrors, I must be the only person who doesn't toe the topic line. :whip:

I didn't see anything positive about the message. Another grievous error, I suppose.
An issue? It was a simple statement. Oh, that's right, I didn't clear it first with the powers that be. My grievous error. Horrors, I must be the only person who doesn't toe the topic line. :whip:

I didn't see anything positive about the message. Another grievous error, I suppose.

Maybe the message wasnt meant to be positive because he was fed up with all the crap about gay marriage.

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