Remembering your homecoming and/or prom dates...


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Apr 11, 2011
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What were you thinking about when you went with this person to your home coming dance or prom?

Were you thinking that you would marry and spend rest of your life with this person or were you looking to simply enjoy the evening?

Was it an event that you wish you would do again or do you want to forget about it?

Have you ever went to a prom or homecoming as a fund raising event? I'm talking about groups that put up a prom or homecoming for fundraising events to raise money. Are they different from the ones you went to in high school or college?

Did you marry your date from prom or home coming event? Stay in touch even if not married to them?

I would love to hear about your prom or home coming experiences.
While i had fun at prom, the psycho i went to prom woth has a restraining order now. But the group of friends i am with on the picture are still my friends. And the guy next to me on picture is now my fiance. For us we also had something called senior Christmas and i went woth a friend to that one. But we all ended up dancing with all our friends so that was fun too.
I finally found my prom date thru FB and we have since kept in touch.
I never attended a homecoming or prom.
I went to my junior and senior proms, two different guys, no I didn't think I was going marry either of them. I wasn't in love, I liked them, which was why I was dating them. I don't remember what I was thinking about, it was over 20 years ago. Probably about having fun, dancing with my friends and showing off and looking at dresses. Dressing up is fun :D

Wondering why you're thinking about this. I can see proms crossing someone's mind during the spring, prom time, but now? What made you think of it? :)
I only went to one homecoming innnn....... Junior year, I think? No date, wasn't that fun and it was really hot. Went to prom in my senior year, no date :roll:.... didn't get home until about 5 in the morning and it was freezing, but still fun nonetheless. I don't think I would want to attend again though.
For my junior prom, my best friend begged me to be her date's best friend's date. I didn't know the guy well but we had fun. I really don't remember the event but remember almost everything about my senior prom.
I went with my high school sweetheart for my senior prom in 1990 and we all went with our senior group of friends whom we hung out since the beginning of the year. It was awesome and we went to his place where his mom and his sisters let us have for the night. Some of our friends got drunk and the party did get crazy. I don't think I got drunk...but did get wild and crazy. We trashed the apt...ooops. I felt so bad and helped clean it up in the morning but one of our friends spent all morning with his head in the toilet. It was the first time I had ever seen someone so seriously hung over.

I married my senior prom date, had a kid and we have to keep in touch because of our daughter. I cant stand him anymore. We got married in 1993 and divorced in 2001.
I went to my junior and senior proms, two different guys, no I didn't think I was going marry either of them. I wasn't in love, I liked them, which was why I was dating them. I don't remember what I was thinking about, it was over 20 years ago. Probably about having fun, dancing with my friends and showing off and looking at dresses. Dressing up is fun :D

Wondering why you're thinking about this. I can see proms crossing someone's mind during the spring, prom time, but now? What made you think of it? :)

Because prom is a big event. A event that you want to remember for rest of your life. Just like a Christmas dance is or homecoming event. I'm sure a lot of memories will be coming up in the next 2 weeks or so with Christmas here.
Been a very long time...but yes, I remember my Jr. and Sr. Prom dates.....:giggle:...and I almost lost my diploma and being sent home just because my date and I were dancing tooooo close and caught kissing....I got suspended until the end of the year....had to wash teacher's cars and buff hallways and scrape paint off of windows, etc., whatever they could find for me to do!.....

Back then, rules were very strict.....too strict for my liking tho' I for "my date"....No, I didn't marry him. But remember what he looked like and now I'm thinking...."what was I thinking!"....
Back then, rules were very strict.....too strict for my liking tho' I rebelled...

Yeah pretty strict in Charlotte too, but we tested their resolve anyway! :giggle:

I only went with friends both times during my Jr & Sr years. I wasn't exactly with somebody, we all danced and messed around with each other, I guess you can say I went with my entire group of friends. After awhile, we got bored and just cruised the streets for awhile wondering what to do next. Both times we always ended up at my besties apt, stripped to our underwear and took a swim in their pool, talk about COLD! So we huddled over to the warm whirlpool! :P When we're lit, we just did stupid things! Typical weekend, only just dressed for it. I kept in touch with most of them through college, buuut like every thing else in life, we go through changes and just lose contact with each other. Even with my sole remaining friend, it's down to a Christmas card! But no, I never got romantically involved with my male friends.
I went with my then-best friend. Neither of us could get dates (I don't know why for her... she is pretty and girls have less problems finding guys than vice versa) so we went together. Everyone had assumed we were an item anyway so there were no awkward questions. We hung out at the formal (as it was called in Canada), she developed a crush on one of my friends, we danced, we'd sung John Denver songs in her dad's car on the way down. We ended up at someone's house for a party afterwards where after about an hour she felt sick so I as a dutiful friend took her home. I was horrified when she later told me she threw up when she got inside!

I still have the picture of us together at her mother's house, all these years (15 almost) later. She growls that I still fit into the suit I wore - while she doesn't fit that dress, she still has the bouquet I gave her dried and on her bedroom door.

I haven't been the best friend. After all this time she helped me immeasurably a year ago when I moved by giving me a place to stay. We had a big fight this August and she is slowly forgiving me but I don't think it'll ever be the same again between us. I don't really deserve her, I guess, and feel like a complete jerk about the whole thing.
Yeah pretty strict in Charlotte too, but we tested their resolve anyway! :giggle:

I only went with friends both times during my Jr & Sr years. I wasn't exactly with somebody, we all danced and messed around with each other, I guess you can say I went with my entire group of friends. After awhile, we got bored and just cruised the streets for awhile wondering what to do next. Both times we always ended up at my besties apt, stripped to our underwear and took a swim in their pool, talk about COLD! So we huddled over to the warm whirlpool! :P When we're lit, we just did stupid things! Typical weekend, only just dressed for it. I kept in touch with most of them through college, buuut like every thing else in life, we go through changes and just lose contact with each other. Even with my sole remaining friend, it's down to a Christmas card! But no, I never got romantically involved with my male friends.

May I have this dance ma'am??
I went to the Deaf school in Faribault, Minnesota for the Homecoming game of football. I had a ball there. But never attended the Prom and not even to my own prom at my graduation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was stood up by my boyfriend's mother saying that he does not have a tux. I was pissed. He was deaf and a little bit older than me at the time. After that we never get in touch with each other any more. We broke up. Dang! :(
10th grade I went to 11th grade prom with a boyfriend of 3 months... not very serious.
11th grade I went with my first serious boyfriend of 12 months....
12th grade I went with a more serious boyfriend of 6 months at the time and we stayed together for 2 years..... he was the guy I was dating when I lost my hearing and he did NOT handle the stress of it well and we don't talk anymore.
Yeah, I went to prom 3 times, I never asked them to go to the proms, it's the girls asked me to go out. Jr and Sr plus when I went to first year college, Sr girl asked me to go. None of them that I want to marry...nah da, I have no interest.... I only married to the books....
There was one embarrassing thing that I did in the past, the first "Jr girl" asked me to go out to the prom...I told her sure that I will go with her... one month later... she stopped by my house and wondering if I'm ready for the prom and if I got the Tux and want to make plan...that evening... my responded back to her..."what prom?"

Holy sh*t and only two weeks away....

I just couldn't believe I forgot everything about it even with this prettiest sexiest girl asking me out.... sigh...I was really really bad back then but thankfully that she still and willing go with me instead of walking out of me....
I was just too busy involved with education..books, woodworking, deaf activities and such... oh well....
Yeah, I went to prom 3 times, I never asked them to go to the proms, it's the girls asked me to go out. Jr and Sr plus when I went to first year college, Sr girl asked me to go. None of them that I want to marry...nah da, I have no interest.... I only married to the books....
There was one embarrassing thing that I did in the past, the first "Jr girl" asked me to go out to the prom...I told her sure that I will go with her... one month later... she stopped by my house and wondering if I'm ready for the prom and if I got the Tux and want to make plan...that evening... my responded back to her..."what prom?"

Holy sh*t and only two weeks away....

I just couldn't believe I forgot everything about it even with this prettiest sexiest girl asking me out.... sigh...I was really really bad back then but thankfully that she still and willing go with me instead of walking out of me....
I was just too busy involved with education..books, woodworking, deaf activities and such... oh well....

I wonder if you were my former date back then???? :P