"God's Little Child"
GOD sent me to you to melt your cold heart
And to give your life a new start
I was just a bundle of love
Sent from Heaven above
GOD had put twinkles in my eyes
From the stars He took from the sky
But I didn't melt your cold heart as you held me that day
I only heard the awful words you begin to say
I feft the blows and I felt the pain
And I felt my life slipping away
As my blood flowed leaving stains
You left me to die all alone
But GOD was watching from His Heavenly Throne
GOD sent His Angels to me and as they wiped away my tears
They told me never again would I know fear
The Angels carried me back to my Home above
Where JESUS greeted me with open arms of love
He smiled at me and said
"I know what you have been through because I was abused and murdered to".
"I will continue to knock on this cold heart's door and maybe before it is too late
Love will replace hate".
(by: Janice Stancil, 2001)
This is one of my most favorite poem because I was once abused, and since I've already experienced what it like to be in that situation, I believe God wants me to help other women and children who are dealing with physical, sexual, emotional and mental abuse because leaving the abuse behind is not a decision to be taken lightly..