Religion and Abortion

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You forget one verse.

Matthew 4:4 (KJV)

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

This verse is very obvious to show that ALL the people on the earth is under the Word of God, the Bible - The God-speaking! Therefore the Bible is the reality. God is real. Is He real to you?

The bible author wrote the bible.

Yes, the bible is reality because I see many bibles around.

I only see real but I didn´t see God. :dunno:

All she needs is to give up her life and to save her baby's life.

You are a first person who beleives in save fetus´s life before mother´s life. If you still continue to beleive to save fetus´s life before your wife´s life then you are a true pro-lifer like Rumian, I told you about.

Is it correct to say that they are pro-life when they are for to support mother´s risk life over save fetus´s life.?

I am pro-choice because I don´t want to give my life and my family up for save fetus.

Moses' lifetime -- did he have the abortion, cars, airplanes, etc.?

Jesus' lifetime -- did he have the abortion, cars, airplanes, etc.?

Wait a minute! our current lifetime -- do we have the abortion, cars, airplanes, etc.?


BUT the Bible said, "THOU SHALL NOT KILL"!!!

Moses's lifetime -- Kill? YES!

Jesus' lifetime -- Kill? YES!

Our current lifetime --Kill? YES!

Exactly, why should we do what the bible says when their time was different as our present time then?

I consider the bible as history to learn to know where we come from. :)

Anyway, did you know that the bible mentioned that God killed people and newborns?
Because some women don't even know that they are pregnant to begin with.

My housekeeper, a wonderful worker, came to me, depressed, because she found out that she was 6 months pregnant and didn't want the baby....

So, some women don't know they are prenant until its too late.

True, but accord German law, they do not allow to have partial-birth abortion after 12 weeks unless stillbirth, life-threatening, malformation babies. It´s mothers´ decision to bury fetus or not.

If it´s too late for them to abort then they have to wait until 9 months then they can decide either they can keep or give babies up for an adoption.

As I know that US partial birth abortion was banned in 2003. Right? Do they continue to do that when mothers decide to not want to carry to full term because they don´t know until they are 4 or 6 months pregnant?

Your friend had a stillbirth, not an abortion. I was talking about what elective abortion clinics do.

Oh I got it. I thought we are talking about partial-birth abortion since Angel and Cheri provided the pictures of partial-birth abortion.

Yes, partial-birth abortions are illegal, and have been banned in the United States since 2003.

Okay, Do they have abortion rule in America? If yes, how many weeks, they are allow to have an abortion since partial-birth abortion become illegal in 2003?

Why do you say it's still common in America?

Accord many pictures of partial-birth abortions in different abortion threads. I do feel that they carry on do with partial-birth abortions because mothers decided to not want to carry up to full term.

In that situation, she can. But most women who get abortions aren't doing it for life-saving reasons, and they are told that it's not a baby. If they believe it's not a baby, then why would they want to bury it?

If it´s under 12 weeks then is not funeral necassary. :( Early abortion is better than late abortion.

Under 12 weeks old fetus don´t have full human development yet.

This is women´s decision because they know from their heart that it´s not possible for them to raise the child with their love and attention, financially, etc. It´s them who know either they are able to take the responsible to raise a child or not.

Because the people who work in abortion clinics deny that it's a baby. If it's not a baby, then why would they suggest a funeral?

If you mean elective abortion then it´s not necassary for the doctors to suggest a funeral. I know it sound sad but I cannot do anything but support and respect women´s choice unless they decide to abort under 12 weeks old fetus.

Besides, the clinics don't make any money on funerals. That's all they care about is the money.

No, the clinic do not make business with funerals for stillbirth, etc. The doctor only give mother idea about funeral or go to labs? The mother decide for funeral then she has to pay the funeral cost herself. It would cost mother nothing if she decides for labs. Leave mother choice.

Sadly, they do make tiny caskets. My little friend (mentioned in my signature) had a tiny pink and white casket. Her favorite toys and DVD movies were tucked in with her. :(

True, I have seen real life. :(

I am very sorry about your friend. :hug:
Reba, I was wondering if it is illegal to make their own wood caskets and bury their fetus in their back yard in case one cannot afford to pay the funeral service?

Good point, I never thought about this. I will check German website about this later.
Burial laws are controlled by each state, so it varies. Also, there's a difference between a small suburban yard in a subdivision, and rural acreage where they might have a family cemetery. But I think most places don't allow that kind of burial by individuals for health reasons. Some places don't even allow the burial of pets, so I doubt they allow human remains to be buried in yards. Also, think about what would they do if they move?

You would have to check the laws for that community.

Yes I doubt the same about human remains. I think Angel mentioned under 12 weeks old fetus, not more than 12 weeks old fetus?

Yes you has a good point what if the house owner move out...

I didn´t know that some places do not allow the burial of pets but I know we all are allow to bury our beloved pets in our garden.


The only difference is that they charge more money for children size caskets than they do regular size people.

Yes, very true... I was withnessed and share my friend´s greving experiences in the past.
" When abortion is discussed, there is talk of 17 million victims -- the 17 million unborn babies that have been aborted in the U.S. since 1973.

But at this year's service marking the 12th anniversary of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, the number speakers mentioned was 51 million victims -- the unborn and their 17 million mothers and 17 million fathers who are still suffering.

"Abortion effects all of us and we are all victims," said Suzanne Towne, a soft-eyed, brown-haired young woman from Florida who had an abortion over 10 years ago as a college student.

She now speaks on behalf of a national organization, Women Exploited By Abortion.

Mrs. Towne, who is 32 years old, was the principle speaker at the Atlanta Jan. 22 Memorial Service and March commemorating the Supreme Court decision. Later, as the march ended outside the state Capitol and pro-life representatives took petitions to legislators, Mrs. Towne spoke at a greater length of the mental anguish, anger and guilt she had wrestled for 10 years before finding forgiveness and the first stages of healing.

Now married and the mother of a young son, Mrs. Towne said that her life changed dramatically immediately after the abortion, which she had during the first year of legalized abortion in the U.S., while she was a junior in college. "I was going to school, planning on a career in education. My life was okay. I was just a regular old college student," she said.

Her boyfriend was planning on becoming a doctor and, although they were dating seriously, the sudden news of a baby seemed impossible to work into their plans for medical school and its financial and emotional demands.

When she went to consider an abortion, she asked "what it looked like."

"They told me it was a blob," she said. As she told her story, anger and wisdom won though pain kept spilling over, not only for herself but on behalf of other women who have not yet gotten the courage and healing she has received. "I was lied to. I was taken for a ride," by the abortion clinic she said vehemently.

"They left me ignorant on the grounds that it would make me upset" if she knew anything about the size and development of the fetus.

Instead, when she did learn that information 10 years later, Mrs. Towne felt that she had been "robbed of dignity and self-worth" by the abortion counselor and prevented from making an informed and intelligent decision.

Despite her ignorance, immediately after she had the abortion she was emotionally devastated. "Within two or three weeks, I dropped out of school," she recalled. "I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't study."

Without explanation, she moved back to her parent's house and took a job as a file clerk. Her mother quickly discerned what had taken place -- "You know how mothers are" -- but, so far, she and her father have not spoken of her abortion.

In addition to ignorance, there were cultural factors that contributed to her decision and similar ones made by other young women, she recalled. "Back then it was a real stigma to be an unwedded pregnant kid," she said. And, in most families, parents and children were not allowed to talk openly about sex so, like others, Suzanne did not ask her parents for advice.

She wished it had been different. "If you can't come to them when you're in trouble, they're not doingtheir jobs," she says.

She and the young man eventually got married, but she believes now they "married out of guilt, not really because we should have gotten married." After several years, they marriage failed.

She also began to drink and have problems with alcohol abuse. She had chronic bouts of depression that sapped her strength. "I had nightmares of a baby crying and me looking for a lost child," she said. "Depression came to be a part of my life." Eventually, she married again, happily, and had a baby, but even in the midst of great joy, "I grieved for the child I would never hold."

"I never wanted to go to a minister because I was ashamed," she said. On the other hand, "I felt like if I went to a regular counselor they would just tell me I did the right thing" by having an abortion. "The friends that I had just reinforced it because they had had abortions."

The breakthrough came about a year and a half ago when she walked into her house one night, turned on a Christian television show she had never watched before or seen since and heard a talk on God's forgiveness.

Watching the show she accepted forgiveness for what she had done. A few weeks later, she saw another show on the effects of abortion on women and made contact with the pro-life organization, not admitting at first why she wanted to become informed. "I think alot of women who are pro-choice" hold that view because they fear "the pro-life movement hates them" for having an abortion, she said.

But, Mrs. Towne said that when she did tell her pro-life friends that she had had an abortion and was suffering from its effects, "they were very warm and loving to me. They treated me with graciousness."

She encouraged others who might be holding back from contacting a pro-life group to overcome their fears and make the first attempt. "The Lord can take something very bad and make it good -- He can do that for everyone," she said.

Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA), a national movement originating in Michigan, takes a Christ-centered approach to the healing needed by women after abortion, Mrs. Towne said. But its works are those that touch the real needs of women who are hurt. "We have information, someone to talk to, we offer support," Mrs. Towne said. Many women just need someone to talk to, somebody who's been there."

"They feel they were lied to," she said. "A lot are finding out that the one time they were pregnant is the only time they can get pregnant" either because of direct complications from the abortion or later medical problems interupting fertility.

She also believes that many women with chronic alcohol and drug abuse problems are trying to cope with the pain of abortion, but don't recognize the connection. "They will not admit to themselves that that is why they drink alcohol or smoke marijuana," she said.

Mrs. Towne is unusual in that she has been able to become publicly identified with WEBA, since her husband is supportive of her involvement. The group tries to keep information and counseling as confidential as possible, since many women have not told their husbands or children that they have had an abortion.

The steps that she recommends to those who have experienced an abortion include:

"Allow yourself to grieve. Abortion makes you the mother of a dead baby. Recognize that you are responding normally by grieving."

"Try to forgive those involved."

"Try to forgive yourself."

"Seek healing in God. He knows so many of us are hurting."

For Suzanne Towne, there has been a new beginning, a healing which she says comes from "Our Lord Jesus Christ" and which she would like to extend to those whose suffering she once shared. "

Women Abortion Victims Reach Out To Each Other
"I think alot of women who are pro-choice" hold that view because they fear "the pro-life movement hates them" for having an abortion, she said.

But, Mrs. Towne said that when she did tell her pro-life friends that she had had an abortion and was suffering from its effects, "they were very warm and loving to me. They treated me with graciousness."

She's right, I did the same thing too. - View Single Post - Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
"I think alot of women who are pro-choice" hold that view because they fear "the pro-life movement hates them" for having an abortion, she said.

But, Mrs. Towne said that when she did tell her pro-life friends that she had had an abortion and was suffering from its effects, "they were very warm and loving to me. They treated me with graciousness."

She's right, I did the same thing too. - View Single Post - Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.
Then we have a group that is known as....."Pro-child".

Not Pro-Life....

Not Pro-Choice....

Just Pro-Child, what is their stance?????
it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.

I've witness it coming from both sides.
it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.

When you say, "It is rare........." and then "So, for some.........", I guess you are meaning most get bad treatment from society. Hmmmm.....
it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.

It's not rare, I had an abortion when I was 15 years old, and no pro-lifers had judged me, only people that judged me for being pregnant are the ones who thinks that minors are too young to be having a baby and an abortion was the answer for me. I wanted to keep the child, only supporter I had was my twin sister. It's a true story.
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