You forget one verse.
Matthew 4:4 (KJV)
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
This verse is very obvious to show that ALL the people on the earth is under the Word of God, the Bible - The God-speaking! Therefore the Bible is the reality. God is real. Is He real to you?
The bible author wrote the bible.
Yes, the bible is reality because I see many bibles around.
I only see real but I didn´t see God.
All she needs is to give up her life and to save her baby's life.
You are a first person who beleives in save fetus´s life before mother´s life. If you still continue to beleive to save fetus´s life before your wife´s life then you are a true pro-lifer like Rumian, I told you about.
Is it correct to say that they are pro-life when they are for to support mother´s risk life over save fetus´s life.?
I am pro-choice because I don´t want to give my life and my family up for save fetus.
Moses' lifetime -- did he have the abortion, cars, airplanes, etc.?
Jesus' lifetime -- did he have the abortion, cars, airplanes, etc.?
Wait a minute! our current lifetime -- do we have the abortion, cars, airplanes, etc.?
BUT the Bible said, "THOU SHALL NOT KILL"!!!
Moses's lifetime -- Kill? YES!
Jesus' lifetime -- Kill? YES!
Our current lifetime --Kill? YES!
Because some women don't even know that they are pregnant to begin with.
My housekeeper, a wonderful worker, came to me, depressed, because she found out that she was 6 months pregnant and didn't want the baby....
So, some women don't know they are prenant until its too late.
I have a question appeared in my mind, why not they have the funeral for aborted children, instead of throw them in the trash?
Your friend had a stillbirth, not an abortion. I was talking about what elective abortion clinics do.
Oh I got it. I thought we are talking about partial-birth abortion since Angel and Cheri provided the pictures of partial-birth abortion.
Yes, partial-birth abortions are illegal, and have been banned in the United States since 2003.
Okay, Do they have abortion rule in America? If yes, how many weeks, they are allow to have an abortion since partial-birth abortion become illegal in 2003?
Why do you say it's still common in America?
Accord many pictures of partial-birth abortions in different abortion threads. I do feel that they carry on do with partial-birth abortions because mothers decided to not want to carry up to full term.
In that situation, she can. But most women who get abortions aren't doing it for life-saving reasons, and they are told that it's not a baby. If they believe it's not a baby, then why would they want to bury it?
If it´s under 12 weeks then is not funeral necassary.Early abortion is better than late abortion.
Under 12 weeks old fetus don´t have full human development yet.
This is women´s decision because they know from their heart that it´s not possible for them to raise the child with their love and attention, financially, etc. It´s them who know either they are able to take the responsible to raise a child or not.
Because the people who work in abortion clinics deny that it's a baby. If it's not a baby, then why would they suggest a funeral?
If you mean elective abortion then it´s not necassary for the doctors to suggest a funeral. I know it sound sad but I cannot do anything but support and respect women´s choice unless they decide to abort under 12 weeks old fetus.
Besides, the clinics don't make any money on funerals. That's all they care about is the money.
No, the clinic do not make business with funerals for stillbirth, etc. The doctor only give mother idea about funeral or go to labs? The mother decide for funeral then she has to pay the funeral cost herself. It would cost mother nothing if she decides for labs. Leave mother choice.
Sadly, they do make tiny caskets. My little friend (mentioned in my signature) had a tiny pink and white casket. Her favorite toys and DVD movies were tucked in with her.![]()
Reba, I was wondering if it is illegal to make their own wood caskets and bury their fetus in their back yard in case one cannot afford to pay the funeral service?
Burial laws are controlled by each state, so it varies. Also, there's a difference between a small suburban yard in a subdivision, and rural acreage where they might have a family cemetery. But I think most places don't allow that kind of burial by individuals for health reasons. Some places don't even allow the burial of pets, so I doubt they allow human remains to be buried in yards. Also, think about what would they do if they move?
You would have to check the laws for that community.
The only difference is that they charge more money for children size caskets than they do regular size people.
Would the two of you like my daughter's funeral bill?
"I think alot of women who are pro-choice" hold that view because they fear "the pro-life movement hates them" for having an abortion, she said.
But, Mrs. Towne said that when she did tell her pro-life friends that she had had an abortion and was suffering from its effects, "they were very warm and loving to me. They treated me with graciousness."
She's right, I did the same thing too. - View Single Post - Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.
it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.
it is rare for some women get nice treatment after they confess about having abortion. So, for some women I seen get nasty treatment and insults when they admit having abortion. So it can't be easy for some women to tell someone they had abortion because they are scare of how they will get treated.