Release Sidekick 2

I don't know the actual answer when SideKick II will be released... I suppose they've started shipping to some T-Mobile locations from Atlanta...
I brought myself a new sidekick in March this year, and It was working just fine, until the middle of June, the scrolling thing stopped working, and then I got a 2nd pager to replace the scrolling thing, then recently it STOPPED working on my second pager :squint: :squint: I was soo pissed, so I went to T-Mobile and they said I can replace my pager by something else by withouth losing my contract. NOT a sidekick. I think Sidekicks are stupid now, cuz it easly to break, and it stop working!!!
Sidekicks :rl:
I am planning on getting an Nokia 6800 (I think thats the correct number) It is a phone, but the phone folds into a keyboard. My mom got one, and it is cool. She brought that just because, I am deaf and she is hearing, and I need to talk to her when she is out.. So she got that.
TinyStrawberry said:
I brought myself a new sidekick in March this year, and It was working just fine, until the middle of June, the scrolling thing stopped working, and then I got a 2nd pager to replace the scrolling thing, then recently it STOPPED working on my second pager :squint: :squint: I was soo pissed, so I went to T-Mobile and they said I can replace my pager by something else by withouth losing my contract. NOT a sidekick. I think Sidekicks are stupid now, cuz it easly to break, and it stop working!!!
Sidekicks :rl:
I am planning on getting an Nokia 6800 (I think thats the correct number) It is a phone, but the phone folds into a keyboard. My mom got one, and it is cool. She brought that just because, I am deaf and she is hearing, and I need to talk to her when she is out.. So she got that.

you should've known what you were getting into when you bought that sidekick.. even the simplest research on the web will reveal that almost all sidekick users aren't on their first SK. I myself am on my 3rd, and so far i've treated it like my baby (which it basically is) and it's holding up beautifully. As long as you don't drop it and abuse it, they'll serve you well.. They may be fragile, but hell, they're amazing.
I know sidekicks are fragile, but why do people get so rough with it? I've had my sidekick for 13 months now and it's working great.
I have SK since Decmeber and still working.... I would keep till the tech changing in the future like cell phone does... :)
Hey Everyone.

I heard that this sidekick 2 is should be cost around 250 to 300. But not the final for this cost. Just wait and see.

Also, they changed for released date from this month to this fall ... September(maybe?).

Thanks for read this.

Have a nice day.
yeah nokia is better than sidekick. I saw my friend's nokia. It's cool and very different. One thing i don't know :dunno: is name of nokia. I'll find out someday about it.
If you have the extra budget, try the BlackBerry, the color 7280 or 7780, they are ruggedized -- harder to break, more likely to survive drops to the ground.

Although they are more limited than Hiptops in the Internet access part, however if you get a BES service such as Lormar Logic's DeafBES, so you can use WebMessenger (For AIM/ICQ/MSN/Yahoo! chatting on Blackberry) and other Internet applications such as MCI Wireless IP-Relay.
I own a sidekick and it has been working perfectly so far. I do not see the point of rushing myself to get the newest, lastest equipment to replace something similiar that just works fine.
What I would really want is the Sidekick that they used in the movie, Agent Cody Banks.
:repost: another one under Technologies for the Deaf

Avoiding any repost futher, U should check it out in Search section (above). Then typing any word or name before u see any thread related to that one or not.
Katzie said:
I know sidekicks are fragile, but why do people get so rough with it? I've had my sidekick for 13 months now and it's working great.
I've my 4th Sidekick replaced yesterday. I ought to :smash: T-Mobile but at least they're replacing my SK at no charge :fu: The first new Sidekick I had was for at least 3 week and I got a screen appeared stating something like my sidekick have a hardware problem so I had to replaced it. Then 2nd sidekick, had it since January until a month ago the mousey roll doesn't work. Then by the time I received my 3rd Sidekick, it was brand new and it had 2 screws missing behind the screen then after using for 5 min the mousey roll got stuck in the machine and won't move so I went :madfawk: at T-mobile and cussed at them, they informed they regret about my problem and sideick is backorder then I got pissed off told them how much I use Sidekick for my work and everything. So as soon they got my SK in order they airmailed and delivery in person to my door!
Geez, you were the unlucky one. Sorry to hear that Pimp, but at least you took care of it for free. Sounds like your last Sidekick is much stabled like mine so hopefully it'll run smoothly for a long time. :fingersx:
Interesting reading all comments and grievances on SideKick.

We don't have them in Australia. Instead, we use cell phones with text.
However, I want to purchase a NOKIA 6820 which has email capabilities to name a few.
yea i heard abt this sidekick 2... i heard from my friend told me that she did traded old sidekick to new sidekick 2 and 2 weeks later, she told me that her sk 2 is more plms than old sk.. so i better stay with old sk anyway..
TweetyBird said:
yea i heard abt this sidekick 2... i heard from my friend told me that she did traded old sidekick to new sidekick 2 and 2 weeks later, she told me that her sk 2 is more plms than old sk.. so i better stay with old sk anyway..

Really? What problem? AIM or .. something? I want to know what plm and think about it before trade old to new.
TweetyBird said:
yea i heard abt this sidekick 2... i heard from my friend told me that she did traded old sidekick to new sidekick 2 and 2 weeks later, she told me that her sk 2 is more plms than old sk.. so i better stay with old sk anyway..

did you SEE her with Sk2? I wont believe till I see with my eyes. I have been following the forums and say its not officially released, its releasing to the public in 3 weeks :-P
No one is providing prices yet. Beware of "reserving" your Sidekick unless SOMEHOW there's no obligation to buy from them once it's available. You don't want to reserve and be stuck in a contract where they say you have to pay $499.99 because you reserved with a promise to buy.

Save a printout of the page on "" that says "No Obligation to Buy. Discount if you do!" if you reserve through them. If you don't, it may come back to bite you in the butt later.

Edit: Samm27, what the heck, you run that website? Advertising isn't permitted on here.
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