I think my son might have been able to start a year earlier, I'm not real sure, he's a fall baby, his birthday is in November so I'm not sure if he would have made the cut off, he might have but I wouldn't have wanted him to have been that much younger than the other kids. He would have started college at 17! My daighter on the other hand is a summer baby, they're technically 19 months, and that's 2 years, '98 and '00, but for few months of the year there's one year between there age differences, but they're only one year apart in school. They both older than the other kids in their classes, especially Braden. I kept both of them back when we moved from NH to SC. In our school district in NH there was no kidergarten, so Braden never went, and we down here in Feb '06 so he'd only been in school (first grade) for like 6 months, while all the other kids had been to kindergarten. My daughter didn't even start kindergarten until most way through the school year, was only in it for 3 months. She learned to read during that time, but both of them were very far behind the other kids in reading. The teachers were okay with them going onto the next grade, but I said no. I didn't want them struggling, and I didn't want them feeling about themselves because they couldn't read as well as the other students. So I made the call for them to repeat those years, Braden first grade and Ashlyn kindergarten. Im still glad I did, but Braden is going to be turning 19 during his senior year. Ashlyn will turn 19 a few weeks after she graduates.
Weird that they call it redshirting though, when I think of red shirts I think of the red shirts in Star Trek, you the guys that always end up dying when they visit new planets.