Red Bull

When Im with my friends and we're over at somebody's house for a party, we ususally play shot games. we sometimes play I never with Vodka shots.
or have shots if we lose at a game or something

my friends are wild
Look what happened to me after a game of twister and drunken shots..... yeah... my friends decided to get eggs and squash them!! Iv got egg shells in my hair

and we had vodka shots, lambrini shots, whisky and another shot with something
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Aww, sorry, what happens if you have one tiny drink?
Aww, sorry, what happens if you have one tiny drink?

A drink every now and then probably wouldn't hurt, but I'm afraid of being unable to control myself. I really REALLY love wine coolers and I'm afraid that if I start drinking them, I won't be able to stop. I could always drink beer, but worry about the same thing happening.
If I can't control myself, I don't feel like being lectured by my psychiatrist for drinking. Being given a stern warning once was enough. Then again, my psychiatrist is pretty awesome. I don't think he'd yell at me. The most he would do is gently suggest that I not drink while on meds. I'm still afraid of losing control though, so I avoid alcohol completely. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since I started taking meds in 2006.
Question is redbull dangerous for people who have trouble with heart or thing?

Never try but many cousins try and beg me try it. Why I don't try because 1 time my Uncle end in Hospital for heart attack from redbull due his weight 1/4 ton. That why I don't want try it.

With high sugar pop it hard to control you feel like shake and do stuff too fast end mistake.
Question is redbull dangerous for people who have trouble with heart or thing?

Never try but many cousins try and beg me try it. Why I don't try because 1 time my Uncle end in Hospital for heart attack from redbull due his weight 1/4 ton. That why I don't want try it.

With high sugar pop it hard to control you feel like shake and do stuff too fast end mistake.

yes it is dangerous for those with heart condition
jiro, and milwaukee yes redbull is pretty dangerous to drink if you drink more than full of can three less than 1 hour.. that it good bye! because of course it soo high glycemtic! too much
Ooh, so cool to stumble into this topic.
Red bull with a shot of something is always good, atleast to me.

The way a Jaegerbomb is made is basically where you put a small shot glass into a larger beer glass so the two become mixed. In the case of the jaegerbomb, a small shot of jager is poured in the shot glass, and then "dropped" into the larger glass of red bull, and cheers for your drink.

I was doing this last week! We got drunk playing, titanic with beer and high spirits, you can see a bit of that example in this picture (only it's not a jaegerbomb).


There is a shot glass in the beer, it might be hard to see. The shot glass is exactly the same as the one next to it. We play this by pouring soju alcohol in the shot glass and taking turns passing it around, whoever "sinks" it has to take the whole drink. ;)
Try doing that a bunch of times in a row...
That sounds about right ... the fizzy apple juice. And no, HA, it does not have any alcohol. You can get it anywhere, any convenience store.
tastes more like red apple juice spiked with multivitamins bomb.
(think those fast-dissolving-releasing the fizzy type of multivitams (like berroca)
redbull just have a lot of bullshit like guarana, tarauine, all those 'legal speed' basically redbull is just that, Legal speed, and yup it will keep you awake, probably isnt a good idea for you HA, considering your medical circumstances.
redbull just have a lot of bullshit like guarana, tarauine, all those 'legal speed' basically redbull is just that, Legal speed, and yup it will keep you awake, probably isnt a good idea for you HA, considering your medical circumstances.

That's what I thought Grummer. In that case, I think I'll avoid it entirely. :ty: for the information. :)
Mixing alcohol with a stimulant such as Monster or Red Bull is dangerous and unsafe.
I can't do it because that is not good safe. it is very dangerous. I am scared..