Ooh, so cool to stumble into this topic.
Red bull with a shot of something is always good, atleast to me.
The way a Jaegerbomb is made is basically where you put a small shot glass into a larger beer glass so the two become mixed. In the case of the jaegerbomb, a small shot of jager is poured in the shot glass, and then "dropped" into the larger glass of red bull, and cheers for your drink.
I was doing this last week! We got drunk playing, titanic with beer and high spirits, you can see a bit of that example in this picture (only it's not a jaegerbomb).
There is a shot glass in the beer, it might be hard to see. The shot glass is exactly the same as the one next to it. We play this by pouring soju alcohol in the shot glass and taking turns passing it around, whoever "sinks" it has to take the whole drink.