I tend to charge my hearing aids overnight.What turns me off of the idea a rechargeable aids is I can think of not way you can use them to hear and recharge at the same time. You need two sets to keep from having to go with out aid at times.
But don't you ever run out of battery charge unexpectedly? With separate batteries you can just change the dead battery and go on your merry way still hearing. Where when the whole hearing aid has to be taken out to recharge you are out of luck hearing in that ear until it recharges. That is why I have no interest in them.I tend to charge my hearing aids overnight.
Yes, I'm bringing a regular phone battery bank, that's good for a few nights, but weight is super important in hiking and I don't even let my tee shirts be heavy or many... the battery is one of the heaviest things I'm carrying even though it's not very heavy. everything ads up,How much is a portable power bank that would hold enough to recharge them nightly? Or a solar power bank that could be carried while recharging on the go during the day.