recent hearing loss


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
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My ears have shut down, and going deaf, for I worked in a very loud environment. Have no idea how to read Lips, let alone read or sign. Could use your help!! Thanks,
I'm Carolyn. I am hearing although mine is slowly going away. there are multiple ways you could learn to sign. I definitely think you should start to learn due to your recent loss of hearing. On youtube you can type in ASL lessons and the main instructor he is really good. I suggest looking into him. I can sign, but I'm not amazing at it yet though most of my problems are when it comes to reading and understanding what others are signing. But if youd like to like practice or talk or anything I'm always up for it^^ I hope you find what you are looking for!
Well, I am not experienced at all in going deaf since I've been this way all of my life but here goes some help:

Learning ASL is a good step. There is a website called It is excellent and I highly recommend it. There are also good YouTube videos on ASL lessons. If you personally know any deaf people fluent in ASL or anybody who speaks it fluently, you can ask for them to teach you.

As for lip-reading, that is a very hard skill to master. Not all deaf people can read lips. I can very well, but it isn't a superpower. It takes effort. In fact, only 30% of the English language can be shown on the lips. 70% is not visible. It is easier to lip-read at a younger age and you're forced to do that. But when you're older, it is harder to learn how to.

I do know that as you lose your hearing, your speech will get worse, and not everybody you communicate with will sign. You could see somebody for an official diagnosis on a hearing loss and possibly get hearing aids if it is severe enough.

I don't know if I was that big of a help, but...well, good luck. :lol: :aw:
First off let me say I am so sorry you are suffering from hearing loss. I am learning ASL so not great at it yet, but I will gladly help you practice. I have used the website aslpro that was mentioned above I have also used a website called signsavvy they are very good as well. I have a few books on ASL that I got from Barnes and noble, along with some that I purchased through Google Play. I also sign along with music videos found on YouTube of songs that I like and already know the lyrics for it helps my brain to "think in sign language"