TCS and I went to our favorite seafood restaurant for lunch. We got a table on the porch that overlooks the water. Then, in the evening, our daughter, SIL, and grandsons came over for the cake and ice cream. Poor lamb; only the head part and some seashells are left.Hey, Happy Birthday to you! Didja do anything special?
Reba, Happy Happy Happy Belated B-day to you!!! Hope that you had a blast time on your b-day!!!![]()
Great lamb cake! Happy Birthday, Reba!![]()
It's a tradition for my family only.
Sometimes my birthday is near Easter. So, one year when I was little, my mom got me a three dimensional lamb birthday cake.
I told Hubby about that a few years ago. I told him that it would be neat to have another lamb cake but I never saw one like that.
Well, one of his customers is a professional baker. He discussed with her about making a lamb cake. She searched her sources and the internet, and finally found the right mold.
Hubby surprised me with the lamb cake. Ever since then, with just a few exceptions, he has surprised me with a lamb cake. Each year it is decorated differently, and is a different flavor cake and/or frosting.
I love this! Great story
Happy birthday, Reba![]()
Wirelessly posted
Happy birthday, have a great one
Happy Rebahhhday!!
Late coming in.....but Happy Belated Birthday, Reba!![]()
Wow! No kidding?Happy Birthday!! We share the same birthday.=)
Reba and Grayma!