Hello to anyone reading and thanks for listening. I am really struggling with feeling like all the education and time I put into making something of myself is evaportaing as my hearing is totally deteriorating. I am a teacher ( of the smallest kind of people) by trade - babies - 4 year olds. Been at this for 9 years, and managed to get my Montessori credential and a BA while I was at it! But both fields require me to be hearing! For example - the need to communicate reguarly with parents, staff and children! The need to be able to hear them to keep them safe! The BA is specifically for counseling. Can you imagine coming into my office to tell me you are thinking of doing yourself harm and instead of doing what NEEDS to be done to keep that from happening....(ie code 5150) I ask you to REPEAT yourself!?
I swear if I could find just something to do at home...typing all day, proofreading, editing - I dont care - I would take it.
Thanks again for the moment to vent
Because you like working with young children - what about starting to learn ASL, as well as find some peer mentors to help you learn not only ASL, but to learn how to navigate the world as a Hoh / Deaf person?
You could, with a few years of university become a teacher of the deaf (anything from preschool - highschool, whatever YOU want), or a counsellor at a school or organization for families with Hoh/Deaf children.
There are LOTS of options - almost anything that you WANT to do, you CAN do ... it may take some re-training, learning a new language (I learned ASL as an adult, and I LOVE it... it just "makes sense" to me!), finding out how to access and use various accommodations etc ... but as long as you have Faith in yourself, and decide what you WANT to do ... you CAN get there!!
There are Hoh/Deaf people who are Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Social Workers, Counsellors, Librarians, Mechanics, Musicians, Dentists, Educational Assistants, Professors, Principals of Schools ... almost anything you can imagine - people with hearing loss, people who are Hoh, deaf/Deaf CAN and DO do. You can too ...
If you love teaching Montessori pre-school ... then you could start learning ASL and look into setting up a Montessori Pre-school class specifically for those who are Hoh/Deaf (or come from a Hoh/Deaf family), or hearing children who's parents would like them to learn in a Bi-Bi (bi-lingual, bi-cultural) environment. The Hoh/Deaf program could be in the same building as the "hearing" Montessori school", but with it's own classroom. For this Hoh/Deaf class you could have a Hearing educational assistant (or other teacher) to be the "ears" - however with the proper visual signalling devices (visual smoke alarm, visual class bells, visual doorbell, visual phone/TTY ringer etc) you'll soon likely realize that in that environment you really don't
need your ears - because you can SEE everything you need
In starting a program like this - so that YOU can keep doing what you love ... you also OPEN the doors to sooo many Hoh/Deaf children and their families that might not otherwise have an opportunity to attend a Montessori type class/school ... you're challenge/struggle - may in time, become a gift to dozens (& over the years) even hundreds of ecstatic, enthusiastic, bright, kids - who happen to be Hoh/Deaf - and for that reason alone may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the joy, fun and creativity of a Montessori learning environment.
The biggest barriers we face in life - are the ones we make ourselves.