Really irritated


Active Member
Sep 9, 2014
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I'm at a military contracted doctors office since I'm a veteran and they refuse to turn the tv up or put caption on. There was another man who asked the same thing to turn it up and the lady behind the counter says she can here it fine.

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I'm at a military contracted doctors office since I'm a veteran and they refuse to turn the tv up or put caption on. There was another man who asked the same thing to turn it up and the lady behind the counter says she can here it fine.

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Oh my goodness, that's just ridiculous what the counter lady said. It does seem as though she just wasn't aware that you folks who needed captions or sound turned up are deaf. I hope you explained loud and clear your needs! :lol:
Oh my goodness, that's just ridiculous what the counter lady said. It does seem as though she just wasn't aware that you folks who needed captions or sound turned up are deaf. I hope you explained loud and clear your needs! :lol:

I definitely did. I'm going to contact the regional office because the people they contract to are rude lots of the time.

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I'm at a military contracted doctors office since I'm a veteran and they refuse to turn the tv up or put caption on. There was another man who asked the same thing to turn it up and the lady behind the counter says she can here it fine.

Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
I've observed that the waiting room TV's seem to be more of a convenience for the staff than the people actually waiting in the waiting room. I can understand keeping the volume low but I cannot understand refusing to turn on the captions.
Went to Xfinity to discuss my bill...beautiful new location and TV's everywhere...none had CC...and I had to wait a bit for a asked the door-lady to put CC's on the TV....:hmm:...she "fooled around and fooled around" with the remote...then said she would have to get somebody else to do it. I told her that I could and she replied "sort of snotty"...that customers were not allowed to use the remote...say what?....:lol:....all boiled down to the Lady not having one iota how to do it and felt :shock: that a Deafie did!...:lol:.
The next time you go there you should whisper to the woman really softly and if she say she can't hear you tell her " I can't talk any louder" unless the CC are on"
I had people say that to me on the phone all the time when I say I can't hear them ,they say " I can hear you just " WTF! I really people brains are getting smaller each year.
So that mean the doctor office that you contracted or any other places are not deaf friendly. Geeze. Can you go to another doctor's office hoping that this place is deaf friendly? It would be great if the receptionist or someone put on CC at all times especially in waiting rooms. It will help to pass the time while waiting. The receptionist is so dumb that she thought that you should be able to hear with hearing aids. Geeze. :(
Did you tell her though you are deaf and need CC to understand what is being said on TV?
If yes, and she refused, fight for your rights, dammit!

So that mean the doctor office that you contracted or any other places are not deaf friendly. Geeze. Can you go to another doctor's office hoping that this place is deaf friendly? It would be great if the receptionist or someone put on CC at all times especially in waiting rooms. It will help to pass the time while waiting. The receptionist is so dumb that she thought that you should be able to hear with hearing aids. Geeze. :(

But shouldn't she oblige? isn't she SUPPOSED to turn the captions on if a deaf person asks to?
if she doesn't know how, she should just say so, perhaps that deaf person know how.

But shouldn't she oblige? isn't she SUPPOSED to turn the captions on if a deaf person asks to?
if she doesn't know how, she should just say so, perhaps that deaf person know how.


I told her I knew how but she took the remote.

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What with the advent of mobile phones and tablets I tend to not look at the tv in waiting rooms anymore. Just as well because I can't read the captions anyway as most times the tvs are mounted high up on the wall (except the current doctor's office I go to).
just rude what they done...I must get my head around using a pad my son be down next week maybe help me
just rude what they done...I must get my head around using a pad my son be down next week maybe help me


IPad or Smartphone while passing the time or read a book, even magazines.

There are times I take the crossword puzzles book find the right words while I am waiting for the doctor's call. Maybe it is better than watching the T.V. if the receptionist refuse to hand you the remote.

The receptionist is audist. :(

IPad or Smartphone while passing the time or read a book, even magazines.

There are times I take the crossword puzzles book find the right words while I am waiting for the doctor's call. Maybe it is better than watching the T.V. if the receptionist refuse to hand you the remote.

The receptionist is audist. :(

Not everyone has those, and they shouldn't need to take anything. Given how long most people wait, it's the very least they could do.
