Random Vents.....

First he want to know about the apartment. I told him what I knew, he accused me of not telling everything. He said there's a job near the apartments be saw, I said it was for supervisors only. Mom had to back me up on that, I got up and said what I said and my parents started to argue and I just went upstairs. I felt a door slam which tells me my mom left. Why is it that when I stand up for myself that things are worse but if I don't I feel like shit? I'm sitting here actually wondering what in the hell did I do wrong to make me so inadequate in my fathers eyes. I just have to tell myself I'll never measure up, no point in continuing on in this battle.
Dixie, there is nothing wrong with you. There's something wrong with him. I'm sorry. I hope that you can get away from him soon.
Dixie, there is nothing wrong with you. There's something wrong with him. I'm sorry. I hope that you can get away from him soon.

Sally, just simply put... he's an asshole. Dixie got it right... she will now stop letting him to see his granddaughter... I wouldn't let him set an example in front of her.
Sneakernet, I was trying to say he's an asshole in a diplomatic way. Most people don't want to call their relatives assholes even when it's true. (myself included)
Sneakernet, I was trying to say he's an asshole in a diplomatic way. Most people don't want to call their relatives assholes even when it's true. (myself included)

Yes I know, just my vent.... make sense? <grin>
stranger on someone muplite private mssage I figure out someoen insult serious bash offender? someone suspect not kindly
It sucks how expensive emergency veterinarians are !! (Although I do appreciate that they're available 24 hours a day.) Our close friend and now roommate's sweet dog hit something outside in the yard, not entirely sure what, maybe the trailer, maybe a tree branch (she runs FAST!) and tore up her front leg bad. It was just gushing blood like crazy and she was screaming. We are back home now and waiting for a call to go get her - nothing we can do in the meantime while they stitch/staple the wound. They said about 2 hours before we can go get her. It was awful. Poor doggy. :( This is costing him about $400 (that's their estimate.)
Family members call me by my short name that I can't stand! UGH!!
I feel you pain Rio! I have two (horrid) middle names my duster think is funny call me. Bleh!
So if my furniture is coated with grey fuzz, do I need a sister?