Kids grow too fast and when they leave it has been way to quiet for me. Especially now that I am deaf. Now I can't hear their voices. I would love them all to move home. Maybe I am crazy but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Life goes by way to fast.
Agree!...When my boys went to Orlando with their Aunt for 2 weeks once, I had the house to myself. I "thought"....Oh Boy!...Peace & quiet, no rough-housing, no arguments, no "what's for dinner", etc., etc. And no dirty laundry!....
The 1st week was really great! Kept busy with painting and lots of jobs that I had no time for when they were home...but the 2nd week?....The house was spotless, the beds made, no dirty laundry, and I had been eating out every night....TV got boring, internet was the same ol', same ol'......Found myself even talking to my doggie!....

....and realized that I did have friends, but they were so busy themselves and going over there all the time was a No, No!....
I do enjoy peace & quiet occassionally, but all the time?...No....But the boys are growing, and in 2-3-4 years will be all gone...*snif* I'm thinking of volunteering or something to keep myself busy, maybe even a hospital volunteer in the Pediatrics unit (babies)....or a Nursing Home for the elderly....(as long as they won't try to adopt me!)...Heck....maybe even find a guy in there!