I dont eat lunchables but I have like 6 pillows in my bed. One for under my knee, one for my side and two for under my head and two for throwing LOL.
Originally posted by kuifje75
I dont eat lunchables but I have like 6 pillows in my bed. One for under my knee, one for my side and two for under my head and two for throwing LOL.
Originally posted by Oddball
at lunchables. I have three standard pillows (two for bed ane one for chair) and four small pillows (two square ones and one heart and one star).
yeah.. Targets was selling heart pillows during valentine day.Originally posted by funnybebe78
damn I love heart pillows :P
Originally posted by MsGiglz
you said random question... Umm..
you are
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Last night...I slept with no pillows....on the floor. :p
Originally posted by pinkster
dont make me find your house, annie. The random question was MY random question.. and damn, i was jk