Ok here goes!!! These are good questions!!!

Questions for Mom and Dad......
1. Are you a mother or a father? Answer: I am a mom
2. Are you a single mom/dad? Answer: No
3. How many children do you have and their ages please.
Answer: I have 2 biological daughters. Jacque who is 26 years old, Kristyl who is 21 years old. Both daughters are hearing. I also have a deaf foster son, Tiger, who is 8 years old.
4. Does your child go to school or home school? and what grade?
Answer: Jacque graduated from Assumption College in Worcester, Mass in 2001, and is going back to Simmons College in Boston, where she will be a freshman in the Nursing Program.
Kristyl, is a Senior at Endicott College in Beverly, Mass. in the Photography program.
Tiger, attends the R.I. School for the Deaf and will be going into 3rd grade this coming September.
5. Do you work full time or part of time?
I am home full time, because there is no after school care with staff that sign and it was interfering with my full time hours at R.I. School for the Deaf where I was a receptionist. So I left my job so I could be a full time foster mother to my foster son.
6. Do you sign to your children or use your voice?
Both my daughters are fluent in ASL and sign all the time, with Tiger he signs 24 hours a day.
7. What type of punishment do you use or do toward your children?
With my foster son, Tiger, it's either the "time out" chair for 15 minutes, or taking away his play station game.
8. What kind of bed does your child sleep in (example:crib, toddler bed, twin, bunk beds etc...)? My foster son sleeps in a futon bed that opens up to a double bed. Good thing, because he sleeps like a twisted pretzel.
9. does your child join any sports? If so, what kind of sports? None
10. What are your children's fave book, toys etc? (the things they love doing the most or play with etc...)? Tigers loves books on Tigers and Dinosaurs, he loves to draw, and loves his Playstation.