RebelGirl said:Did you realize you just hit the 1000th post in this thread?
Mama2AFTIV said::fruit: :fruit: :fruit: :fruit: :fruit:
I didn't realized I hit 1000th post!
What's your plan for tonight?
FreeWoman77 said:maybe watch CSI
have u watched LOST last night?
Sweetheart said:Nope, didnt watch LOST last night...
Do you like Starbucks?![]()
Mama2AFTIV said:yes I do! HEE! *giving ya a high five*!
Are ya getting excited to see your sweetie??
Sweetheart said:*giving you a high five back*!
Yeppers VERY excited! 23 days soon!![]()
Cannnnnnnnnot wait!
Anybody like Horses?![]()
Mama2AFTIV said:I do like horses but just pet it.Horse did hurt foot when I was 10! Sheesh!
What is your favorite game?
Sweetheart said:Oh aw really? I love horses alot, I want to own all of horses![]()
CSI Boardgame or Life Boardgame or Law and Order Boardgame, really almost all of them.
Do you like to dancing?
Mama2AFTIV said:Yes but haven't gone to club in a long time. I might do that in May when I go down visit friend.It'll be LOUD music!
Do ya have any pet?
Sweetheart said:Oh aw really, I love to dancing lol.
Yeppers, I have a dog- female, basset hound/Beagle mixed. Named Lucy. She is my big baby lol. Shes 4 years old
Have any kids?
Mama2AFTIV said:Awww at Lucy! Sound she's cute! I have Jack Russell named Tahoe! Almost 9 months old.
Yes just one son, TylerHe'll be five on 11th of Feb!
Sweetheart said:Aw cute, I love ANY dogs! Aww thats soo cute that your sonw will be 5 years old on 11th of Feb which I first meet my Seq.
Do you like scent of Candle? If yes, what kind?
Mama2AFTIV said:I like Raspberry Cream from Yankee Candles. And also other depend n my mood.
What about ya?
(PS Cool that you met Seq on Feb. 11th!)
sequoias said:I like almost any kind of candy, depending on my mood.
Who's crazy about chinese food?
Sweetheart said:I like almost ANY of scent Candle, they smells good but right now, I have Raspberry Rose Candle and Lilac Bloosm From The White Barn Candle Co.
What kind of candy do you like?
(Yeppers, thats cool! heh)
Sweetheart said:I could be crazy abt Chinese food if Im in very mood for them!
What abt Mexican food, who's crazy abt them? Lol
sequoias said:I love good mexican food!
Who's crazy about vegetables?