typeing you and me are on the same page. We're both way overdue for another eye exam!
I *hate* eye exams, why do they have to be called exams? They remind me of finals.
Me too. I especially hate cycloplegic exams (where they put in those stinging eye drops that dilate your pupils and then shine a really bright light directly into your eye.) <ouch>
Same here. Can we say migraine trigger....
Tell me about it! Plus my eyes are photophobic so a bright light in my eye isn't exactly my idea of enjoyable.
Exactly, i thought doctors were supposed to get rid of pain...
I know, right? Plus eye doctors always have to get really up and close to your face which leads to accidental physical contact which then triggers me. Suffice it to say I hate going to the eye doctor! <shudder>
Have you ever gotten an ERG? (Electroretinogram--like an EEG or EKG expect of the retina). Those things are the worst!
Same here. Plus I am going to be NLP one day anyway--it's just a matter of time. I figure what's the big difference if I go totally blind in ten years or in twelve. I'll have to get used to it sooner or later so I may as well get used to it sooner.
PLus, I REFUSE to wear bifocals again. I am too young for that.
bifocals don't look anything like "old people" glasses anymore. they don't even have the "lines" in them to identify them as bifocals. others can't even tell you're wearing them. my mother wore bifocals and no one ever made any comments about the fact that she did because they were none the wiser.
Hear Again that is true in the case of progressive bifocals. However some people's visual systems cannot handle progressives because they can make the wearer dizzy. This was the case for me so I had to switch to old-fashioned bifocals with the line in them.