Questions and debates about blindness:

typeing you and me are on the same page. We're both way overdue for another eye exam!
Thanks Hear Again. I think I will request a tactile terp to fingerspell signs that are signed on the chest until I become used to the heightened level of contact or until being touched on the chest no longer triggers me. It's so nice to know that tactile terps are so accommodating. <smile> (Not that visual terps aren't)
I *hate* eye exams, why do they have to be called exams? They remind me of finals.

Me too. I especially hate cycloplegic exams (where they put in those stinging eye drops that dilate your pupils and then shine a really bright light directly into your eye.) <ouch>
Exactly, i thought doctors were supposed to get rid of pain...

I know, right? Plus eye doctors always have to get really up and close to your face which leads to accidental physical contact which then triggers me. Suffice it to say I hate going to the eye doctor! <shudder>

Have you ever gotten an ERG? (Electroretinogram--like an EEG or EKG expect of the retina). Those things are the worst!
I know, right? Plus eye doctors always have to get really up and close to your face which leads to accidental physical contact which then triggers me. Suffice it to say I hate going to the eye doctor! <shudder>

Have you ever gotten an ERG? (Electroretinogram--like an EEG or EKG expect of the retina). Those things are the worst!

I agree, It's like "get the heck away from me..."

Yes, i have had an EKG... eeew....
For those of you who don't know what an ERG is like...

It's like having a contact lens fitted onto your eye that is hooked up to some machine thing. And the contact lens isn't like a regular lens--it has two acute angles that sort of pinch on your eye. It's just the worst all around. And you have to stay like that for a long time, too. <shiver>
Sometimes i feel like there is no point in me going to the eye doctor though because there is nothing they can do for me anymore.
Same here. Plus I am going to be NLP one day anyway--it's just a matter of time. I figure what's the big difference if I go totally blind in ten years or in twelve. I'll have to get used to it sooner or later so I may as well get used to it sooner.
Same here. Plus I am going to be NLP one day anyway--it's just a matter of time. I figure what's the big difference if I go totally blind in ten years or in twelve. I'll have to get used to it sooner or later so I may as well get used to it sooner.

PLus, I REFUSE to wear bifocals again. I am too young for that.

I hated wearing bifocals! Oh man that was the worst! And then I had to switch to separate distance and reading glasses cause my reading glasses power was too strong to make into a bifocal. So I looked like an old man switching to my reading glasses when I was only 14.

You can imagine how that was in middle school.

bifocals don't look anything like "old people" glasses anymore. they don't even have the "lines" in them to identify them as bifocals. others can't even tell you're wearing them. my mother wore bifocals and no one ever made any comments about the fact that she did because they were none the wiser.

bifocals don't look anything like "old people" glasses anymore. they don't even have the "lines" in them to identify them as bifocals. others can't even tell you're wearing them. my mother wore bifocals and no one ever made any comments about the fact that she did because they were none the wiser.

Hear Again that is true in the case of progressive bifocals. However some people's visual systems cannot handle progressives because they can make the wearer dizzy. This was the case for me so I had to switch to old-fashioned bifocals with the line in them.
Hear Again that is true in the case of progressive bifocals. However some people's visual systems cannot handle progressives because they can make the wearer dizzy. This was the case for me so I had to switch to old-fashioned bifocals with the line in them.

how is it that progressive bifocals make someone dizzy but standard bifocals don't when the latter forces a person to look above and below the "line?"