Question: What Percentage of Gay Bisexuals?


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Hey folks, I'm fairly new to this forum, I'm a hearie and a writer and I am trying to increase my understanding of Deaf culture so I can realistically and fairly include a Deaf character in my next novel.

I also happen to be a gay man.

So, I do have some Deaf friends and also know a couple of interpreters of ASL. As I began this project, I of course mentioned it to them and was told that "most Deaf men are bisexual" and "almost all interpreters are gay." I'm not sure I should believe them, simply because my friends are also gay and may have a biased view of the reality.

So when I found this topic at this forum, I thought I would ask for some input. What do you guys think? Is the percentage of bisexual Deaf guys higher than in the general population? Does the empathy needed for successful ASL interpretation attract gay guys to that profession?

I appreciate any help you can give.
Wow...not a single reply? Does noone have an opinion on this, or have I inadvertantly asked an inappropriate question? If that's the case, I apologize and I hope someone will tell me so I can withdraw the post.
I happen to be bi, hoh, biologically female...I think it doesn't serve me personally to make or believe broad generalizations such as "almost all interpreters are gay" or whatever.
I'm transgender (FTM) and deafblind (blind/HOH). I don't really know of any overlaps between the D/HH and GLBTQ communities. One of my interpreters is Deaf and gay but that's only one person I know of. :shrug:

First post on here

But think the number of gay men is supposed to be about 5% of all men

And looking on gaydar and stuff - theres a fair number of bisex guys online too - so mayb 5 to 10% of 'str8' men are bi too

Tho 'str8' guy being into gay sex - can just be about getting oral or sex - not about being 'gay'

It would seem like the percentage is higher due to the fact that the Deaf community is small. However, i think there are more bisexual men in the general population than in the Deaf community porportionally. I have been involved with the Deaf community for 15 years and I have only met a handful of bisexual Deaf men. I have met more men who are either straight out gay or just plain straight.
The truth is I don't like BI!, just my opinion. if he or she choose to be BI which is not my business.

Some of my friends says, "BI ppl who decide to stay straight" or "I'm not gay, I like sleeping with guy or gal in bed". It's weird! and homophobia too. :roll:

Also I learned that one of them is bisexual here who don't support gay marriage.