Question for a persuasion speech


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Sep 23, 2014
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Hello im presenting a speech and my topic is "to persuade my audience that ASL should be offered as a language in the school system besides in colleges and universities." Im saying that ASL should be taught in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to both deaf and hearing children so that they can communicate with each other as well as children with other disabilities like autism can learn a way of communication as well. Or for people like me who are at home teaching my son ASL and would like him to continue learning when he goes to school and is not forced to learn spanish. So my question is: if ASL was integrated in the school systems the same way they teach spanish now, would you support it or not?
Hello im presenting a speech and my topic is "to persuade my audience that ASL should be offered as a language in the school system besides in colleges and universities." Im saying that ASL should be taught in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to both deaf and hearing children so that they can communicate with each other as well as children with other disabilities like autism can learn a way of communication as well. Or for people like me who are at home teaching my son ASL and would like him to continue learning when he goes to school and is not forced to learn spanish. So my question is: if ASL was integrated in the school systems the same way they teach spanish now, would you support it or not?

I don't think it's realistic to expect all school systems to offer ASL to all students beginning in preschool. That would mean adding more teachers, and most school systems can't afford to do that. Also, when schools cut programs, things like sports, arts, and foreign languages are often some of the things to go first, so it would be difficult to convince most schools to add another language on top of what they already offer. I would bet the average person wouldn't even think of ASL if you asked them to name three foreign languages they'd like their child's school to offer. ASL isn't in the top 10 languages spoken in the U.S., so it's doubtful many schools would see it as a great enough need for students. Also, some colleges and universities don't accept ASL as fulfilling someone's foreign language entrance requirement, and schools take things like that into consideration when deciding what to offer their students.

I'm not saying your idea is bad, just that it's unlikely to happen, no matter how nice an idea it might be.
I don't think it's realistic to expect all school systems to offer ASL to all students beginning in preschool. That would mean adding more teachers, and most school systems can't afford to do that. Also, when schools cut programs, things like sports, arts, and foreign languages are often some of the things to go first, so it would be difficult to convince most schools to add another language on top of what they already offer. I would bet the average person wouldn't even think of ASL if you asked them to name three foreign languages they'd like their child's school to offer. ASL isn't in the top 10 languages spoken in the U.S., so it's doubtful many schools would see it as a great enough need for students. Also, some colleges and universities don't accept ASL as fulfilling someone's foreign language requirement, and schools take things like that into consideration when deciding what to offer their students.

I'm not saying your idea is bad, just that it's unlikely to happen, no matter how nice an idea it might be.
Well its not coming true. Its a persuasion speech for my communications class. We have to give a speech on a policy and thats a policy i would like. Im not really for actual government laws and i stand by ASL as a language that should be taught especially since there are alot of people more curious about it.
Hello im presenting a speech and my topic is "to persuade my audience that ASL should be offered as a language in the school system besides in colleges and universities." Im saying that ASL should be taught in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to both deaf and hearing children so that they can communicate with each other as well as children with other disabilities like autism can learn a way of communication as well. Or for people like me who are at home teaching my son ASL and would like him to continue learning when he goes to school and is not forced to learn spanish. So my question is: if ASL was integrated in the school systems the same way they teach spanish now, would you support it or not?

Where I live there is one dhh magnet elementary that does just that.
When I was in grad school, I had to write a persuasion paper based on an ethical topic of our choosing. One thing I learned about doing a persuasive paper (in your case, speech) is to be very knowledgable on the counter argument. When I was writing about the counter argument in paper, I had to argue with myself (in a way) so my readers (audience) could see both sides

Anyways, yeah, I'd support it. When I was in high school, ASL was an option for a foreign language course, we had ASL, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Latin, and Hebrew (and later Greek, after I graduated)
Yes let's make all people deaf!!:twisted:
Im not saying to make everyone deaf but make more people aware of ASL. especially as early as the younger ages like preschool so that deaf children dont feel so isolated in hearing schools and that age is so early that children can learn faster. id rather my son continue learning ASL than be forced to learn spanish.
Hello im presenting a speech and my topic is "to persuade my audience that ASL should be offered as a language in the school system besides in colleges and universities." Im saying that ASL should be taught in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to both deaf and hearing children so that they can communicate with each other as well as children with other disabilities like autism can learn a way of communication as well. Or for people like me who are at home teaching my son ASL and would like him to continue learning when he goes to school and is not forced to learn spanish. So my question is: if ASL was integrated in the school systems the same way they teach spanish now, would you support it or not?

Why do people automaticly think of autism as a population that uses ASL? They can use Signs, but more of in an augmentive and alternative communication approach, rather then as a whole language.....
Why do people automaticly think of autism as a population that uses ASL? They can use Signs, but more of in an augmentive and alternative communication approach, rather then as a whole language.....
Because some autistic people have no form of communication at all. Just because they cant have a whole conversation in ASL doesnt mean they cant communicate with it. and if they are shown and taught at a young age just like any child they could become familiar with it and learn more than when they are older.
Because some autistic people have no form of communication at all. Just because they cant have a whole conversation in ASL doesnt mean they cant communicate with it. and if they are shown and taught at a young age just like any child they could become familiar with it and learn more than when they are older.
Again, what you're talking about isn't ASL, it's augmentive and alternative communication. That's something very different..... the populations have two very different needs. Besides most autistic people can use PECS better then they can use Sign if they have communication difficulties.
My question had nothing to do with autistic children. It was an example. Please focus on my topic and my question.
My question had nothing to do with autistic children. It was an example. Please focus on my topic and my question.

Yes you included it in your original post.

DD is right about pecs board being more help.
Yes you included it in your original post.

DD is right about pecs board being more help.
Yes i included it in my original post as an example of another way ASL could benefit younger children. but that it not my initial question in my original post. Im looking for the deaf communities opinions or even personal experiences about how ASL could or couldve benefited them as a young child if it was used in hearing schools.
Yes i included it in my original post as an example of another way ASL could benefit younger children. but that it not my initial question in my original post. Im looking for the deaf communities opinions or even personal experiences about how ASL could or couldve benefited them as a young child if it was used in hearing schools.

Ok.I will assume this is in the very early stages in your thinking, as that was not addressed at all in your OP.

But for myself, as a young child my circle of acquaintance was not that wide, and I didn't have that much interaction with the mainstream until middle school.

Things are changing quite a bit with new technologies.
Ok.I will assume this is in the very early stages in your thinking, as that was not addressed at all in your OP.

But for myself, as a young child my circle of acquaintance was not that wide, and I didn't have that much interaction with the mainstream until middle school.

Things are changing quite a bit with new technologies.
Well im in between my topic being asl should be a foreign language in highschool and not just colleges and universities or asl should be incorporated with young children in preschool and elementary schools...ive been doing research for 3 days and havent found much on either topic. But my original idea was asl should be incorpated with young children in preschool and elementary because im teaching my son ASL and i would like if he continued to see the signs when he goes to school the same way a spanish speaking child hears spanish at school or nowadays they incorporate spanish into lessons.
I will be nice an answer you. I personally hate that they are teaching children Spanish, how does that help me? I would love schools to teach asl yet at the same time my children have a capd and will end up going to the deaf school since the oregon deaf school sees capd as a deafness. You could so reach out to deaf schools for asl classes if you want your child to learn, you don't have to reply on the school system changing

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Hello im presenting a speech and my topic is "to persuade my audience that ASL should be offered as a language in the school system besides in colleges and universities." Im saying that ASL should be taught in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to both deaf and hearing children so that they can communicate with each other as well as children with other disabilities like autism can learn a way of communication as well. Or for people like me who are at home teaching my son ASL and would like him to continue learning when he goes to school and is not forced to learn spanish. So my question is: if ASL was integrated in the school systems the same way they teach spanish now, would you support it or not?
It’s been a couple of years since you posted this. I’m making a persuasive speech about the same topic. I’m also learning ASL. (I’m not deaf) I think it’s important and a great idea. Even though many uneducated people may think it’s unnecessary to learn just because they aren’t deaf. It would be very helpful to creat awareness and create a more inclusive community. If ASL was taught in public schools it would be great for many parents bc they wouldn’t have to move to find deaf schools. After all 90% of deaf babies are born into hearing families.
May be not ASL, but sign remember,young children are learning proper English too, for me finger spelling helps me learn correctly, wish I knew it when I was in spelling class, I flunked all my spelling classes, sign could help children communicate with there grandparents and others, then in say 8th and up learn proper gloss, just thinking out loud:gossip: :2c:

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