We got a thread that goes back a few years on what annoys us about hearing people. Now I can't even seem to find the darn link.... I need more coffee....
Edit to Add...
Found it... What ticks you off (most) about hearies?
If you cold name something hearing people do that annoys you, or you find rude what would that thing be? A frequently asked question, something they do, (like yell) something else?
But why get mad if you're gonna ask?
I thought people asked questions to learn.
Hmmm :/ disappointing.
Oh no bebonag, I understand that. It makes sense.
I was talking about hearing people asking and then getting offended when they get what they don't want to hear. Sounds counterproductive if you ask me.
Well, I find this thread very informative.Hearing people constantly coming here and asking what is annoying about hearing people.
Then they get all upset if anybody actually tells them.
Well, I find this thread very informative.
Not only for the research for my project in ASL class, but, also what I have to look forward to in the future. (bones in my middle ear are separating)
Titanium ear bones?!?! I like the sound of that. (Ha!!! That's very punny)Ok. They replace them with titanium.
Titanium ear bones?!?! I like the sound of that. (Ha!!! That's very punny)
Last time I told what needed done though, they said I need to wait until they seperate completely. They don't want to do it while I still have some hearing left, because if it goes wrong, I risk loosing all hearing. In other words, wiat until ther4e is nothing left to loose.....
Also, I wonder if Obomma-care covers it? I'm so poor right now, Well, you know the old saying about the church-mouse? I make the mouse look like Donald Trump!