I see, so going through your list it looks like you've not yet found one school for the deaf that meets your blanket description of deaf schools in general, not one school for the deaf where "the majority of kids do receive Clarke style interventions and speech therapies"?
Ask one of the ex posters who is a TOD if she thinks that at maryland school for the deaf "the majority of kids do receive Clarke style interventions and speech therapies." I don't think you can possibly be at all familiar with auditory-oral methodology if you think that this is what the majority of students experience at non-oral schools for the deaf.
By the way, are you aware that the needs of deaf-blind students are quite different from those of deaf students and such schools are not interchangeable with schools for the deaf in terms of providing appropriate academic services?
Grendel, how many schools for the deaf do you have experiance with?
Almost all bi-bi schools offer auditory-oral style services. Not nessarily an old school auditory oral exclusive education, but intense good quality auditory oral services as part of a bilingal bicultral education yes!