Exactly that is what I am thinking.
Sorenson is basically breaking the anti-trust law. Remember AT&T? They were forced to break up into several companies after the investigation found that they had controlled 90 or sopercent in the telephone market.
Yes, the basic different is that AT&T controlled most of the land line and would not allow to sell or rent AT&T line to other company. That is one thing that I recalled eon ago. As far as Sorenson goes, remember Sorenson started very early when VP-100 came out way before Purple become incorporated, and VP itself is a product and customer have a right to choose which product they want. So, most of the people choose Sorenson. It's nothing like AT&T where they own most of the land line, it's not like where Sorenson owned most of the internet infracture, you know what I mean? It just basically Sorenson make good product that customer felt comfortable and ease of use. The biggest problem where everyone is not aware of it when Purple or other VRS company tried to sell "Wireless" or portable VP and the picture quality is not up to par. It's too early to sell it. Remember about 2 or 3 years ago, you don't see many of them have wireless routers available by ISP? Today, almost everyone have wireless routers and now Comcast modem have gigabit ports instead of 10/100 ports in the back of the modem.
So, when the VRS company who sell "Wireless" or portable VP, VRS have to pay back the company who make the "wireless" VP product and gone into high debt because VRS didn't expect to sell it well. Maybe that is why they want to find a way to run more VRS minutes to pay back the company? Just like what happen to Viable, their Viable Vpad didn't sell well. So Viable need more money to pay back the company who make the Vpad hardware. So, it's a big mess.
Now, Sorenson haven't make the portable VP, or wireless VP because they wait till the when ISP customers have wireless routers, they waited till everyone see other Wireless VP product from Viable, Purple, Z, and such to get the experience of what is like? Back about 2 years ago, many Wireless VP user did not realize that customer require to buy WiFi access to anywhere in USA. Today, most of the customers now understand what it is require to get WiFi access or any free WiFi Hotspots.
So, bascially it's all about timeline of when it is good time to sell or give free VP products. I'm sure today or next year is good time to sell wireless VP products because of more people have wireless routers at home and expanding 4G wireless, WiMax and so forth. It will create a better picture quality. When Viable sold VPAD years ago and running wireless only, the quality is not that great. It limited to G wireless instead of N wireless. So, they decided to use ethernet, it will become same as using VP-200!! VPAD no longer becoming portable!! You know what I mean?
So, in my opinion I don't see how Sorenson monopolize the VP products? It's the customers choice that choose VP-200, nothing like AT&T control and owned the landline and force "phone customer" only use AT&T because it's only available in that area. I have an experience where most of the apt complex only provide one type of ISP. Say for example Comcast only. Most of the customers prefer to use Verizon but they can't get it because this apt complex only sell Comcast. That is not fair. So today it changed. most of the apt complex now have both Comcast and Verizon so the customer can choose which ISP they prefer. This is just an example in my opinion. It's nothing like what Sorenson is doing?
Get the idea? Yes, I do remember AT&T but nothing like what I'm saying above.
Just my opinion..