Pumpkin Weighs in at 1,257.8 Lbs.


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Apr 22, 2007
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WINSTON-SALEM -- Take note Charlie Brown, the "Great Pumpkin" has arrived.

Officials at the Dixie Classic Fair said the colossal gourd grown by Ricky Brown, of Winston-Salem, weighed in at 1,257.8 pounds., crushing the current state record of 960 pounds.

Brown's pumpkin already won the top prize at the Elkin Pumpkin Festival -- and the $1,000 in prize money. Brown wins $125 for taking first prize at the Dixie Classic Fair.

When we heard of the pumpkin coming in, we knew it would be gigantic, but we didn't know it was going to break the record for the state," said David Sparks, Dixie Classic Fair director. "We're very excited for folks to see it, as well as all of the competitive entries this year."

Brown said growing his pumpkin was a labor of love and hard work. At one point, the pumpkin was putting on 38 pounds each day.

The world record weight for a pumpkin was set in 2007. That massive gourd weighed in at almost 1,700 pounds.

The world record fastest time for carving a regular sized pumpkin is 24.03 seconds. Brown's pumpkin, which will be showcased with other large and interesting horticulture displays, might take a little longer than that.

The Dixie Classic Fair runs from Friday until Oct. 11.

Largest Pumpkin In NC History Debuts At Dixie Classic - Local News Story - WXII The Triad
That is hard to believe that the pumpkin can grow that big, almost close to the waist in height. :dunno:
Keep Cinderella away from that sucker.
Next thing you know is Cinderella will be pimpin' her pumpkin, :lol:
That pumpkin is on steriods!!!
just FYI....

Small pumpkin taste better for pies, bread etc....bigger one good for craving.

That is a huge pumpkin! :)